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ETR - Tournament Results - Stras Wars 1

1.Sandie aka "Sanditos"FStrasbourgLegion of Everblight
2.Laurent aka "eizekel"FRixheimCryx
3.Christophe aka "Kintaro"FStrasbourgProtectorate of Menoth
4.Robin aka "Rodeheus"FStrasbourgKhador
5.Florian aka "TBT"FMontigny Les MetzKhador
6.Guillaume aka "rabanuts"FMoutiersProtectorate of Menoth
7.Quentin aka "Kisspop"FBatzendorfTrollblood
8.Raphael aka "alucard68"FWittenheimLegion of Everblight
9.Yann aka "mackay"FMaizière Les MetzTrollblood
10.Damien aka "QSPainting"FMetzThe Skorne
11.Jeremy aka "stanou68200"FMulhouseRetribution of Scyrah
12.Armand aka "Narmand"FLutterbachLegion of Everblight
13.Kevin aka "Napalm"FJarnyRetribution of Scyrah
14.Loïc aka "Ash"KanfenKhador
15.Vincent aka "vincecyclo"FSchiltigheimRetribution of Scyrah
16.Gilbert aka "Imaduyan"FMulhouseMinions
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