ETR - Tournament Results - Gramatneusiedl Grab and Smash Einladungsturnier IV (KO-Tournament)
Placement | Name | Origin | Army |
1. | Florian aka "brEmSEr" | Wien | Legion of Everblight |
2. | Markus aka "Frank_Rooster" | Katzelsdorf | Minions |
3. | Bern aka "Bernhard" | Wien | Protectorate of Menoth |
4. | Bernhard aka "Schroedinger" | Pottendorf | Cryx |
5. | (anonym) | | Khador |
5. | (anonym) | | Khador |
6. | Alexander aka "RandalierendesBroetchen" | Wien | Trollblood |
7. | Stefan aka "Lunatic_Machine" | Wien | Legion of Everblight |
8. | (anonym) | | Retribution of Scyrah |
9. | Peter aka "Virasin-" | | Cryx |
10. | Alexander aka "Dark_Chaos_Master" | Wien | Khador |
11. | Christoph aka "Muten-Roshi" | Gramatneusiedl | Protectorate of Menoth |