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ETR - Tournament Results - Challenge Didierlaurent 2015 - Battle

1.Hugo aka "Arklash"FStrasbourgDogs of War
2.Romain aka "sallustre"FKirchheimDogs of War
3.Guillaume aka "Chien_Mauve"FSaulnyDogs of War
4.Amine aka "Minh"FIllzachDogs of War
5.Julien aka "kraichti"FZillisheimDogs of War
6.(anonym)Dogs of War
7.Julien aka "Elros-"FMontbéliardDogs of War
8.Raphaël aka "le_roi_liche"FHuttenheimDogs of War
9.Raphael aka "LE-DOC"FColmarDogs of War
10.Sylvain aka "thetlis"FStrasbourgDogs of War
11.Grégoire aka "Stryke_68"FMunsterDogs of War
12.François aka "franz2411"FHoltzwihrDogs of War
13.Saysay aka "heisenberg"FRustroffDogs of War
14.Mathieu aka "Thorgrim-le-Rancunier"FBelfortDogs of War
15.Mickael aka "Thunderman"FMetzDogs of War
16.Eric aka "genestealer"FAudincourtDogs of War
17.Hervé aka "YoTu"FBeblenheimDogs of War
18.Alex aka "Inspecteur_G"FWittenheimDogs of War
19.Henri aka "Eskimo_Joe"FMetzDogs of War
20.Antonin aka "Tullaris"FStrasbourgDogs of War
21.Eric aka "Azhag68"FSteinbachDogs of War
22.Eric aka "Grisou"FDanjoutinDogs of War
23.Jean-Philippe aka "Big_Pimouss"FBelfortDogs of War
24.Guillaume aka "Harry_67"FOttersthalDogs of War
25.Antoine aka "Amibonga"FFontaineDogs of War
26.Franck aka "Aesanar"FCernayDogs of War
27.Aurélien aka "Aurel_J"FBesançonDogs of War
28.Mathieu aka "Tyirion"FBourogneDogs of War
29.Benjamin aka "Scruffy"FStrasbourgDogs of War
30.Mathis aka "Lisard-matt"LSchengenDogs of War
31.Jerome aka "Pirate"FWittelsheimDogs of War
32.Siefke aka "Sally"FKembsDogs of War
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