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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - 8. Wormsmachine/Hordes Turnier

1.Jakob aka "Seetroll"DKonstanzCygnar
2.Enes aka "Cryxus"DTuttlingenCryx
3.Erik aka "Darkhammer"DHainburgCryx
4.(anonym)Retribution of Scyrah
5.Jan aka "Minifaction_One"DMainzRetribution of Scyrah
6.Brendan aka "zich"DNopeThe Skorne
7.Johannes aka "Snotling4149"DMainzLegion of Everblight
8.Nicolas aka "Lt_Gaga"DKonstanzKhador
9.Thorsten aka "Torin"DWormsThe Circle Orboros
10.Martina aka "Bazinga"DKarlsruheProtectorate of Menoth
11.Sebastian aka "Astoren25"DFrankfurt am MainKhador
12.Thomas aka "Ghostdog"DFrankfurtRetribution of Scyrah
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