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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Warmach/hordes 30/05/15 Brest

1.Antoine aka "tonioscorpio"FSaint Pol De LéonThe Skorne
2.Anthony aka "Lodorei"FLoc EguinerCygnar
3.Gauvain aka "Thyamath"FBrestLegion of Everblight
4.Nicolas aka "Redlion"FLe TréhouMercenaries
5.Jeremy aka "Psychobilly"FBrestProtectorate of Menoth
6.Damien aka "Okido"FBrestKhador
7.Nicolas aka "mushin"FPlougastel-DaoulasThe Circle Orboros
8.Renan aka "bowa"FPloemeurKhador
9.Baptiste aka "bapt"FBrestRetribution of Scyrah
10.Guilhem aka "tripleG"FPlouvienProtectorate of Menoth
11.Philippe aka "papoux"FPlouvienMercenaries
12.Pierre aka "Zyrtex"FBrestMercenaries
13.François-Xavier aka "LordToruk"FMorlaixCryx
14.Jerome aka "Lebigouden"FGuilersMinions
15.Yann aka "Sysd"FPleybenConvergence of Cyriss
16.Evan aka "ombrenuit"FPlougastel-DaoulasLegion of Everblight
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