T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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Mini-tournoi NRS (X-Wing) - Tournament Results

Players' Awards

FChristophe aka "EGN_MX5"player-award-specialSpecjalna Nagroda - du Slow Play
FGauthier aka "Gothgoth"player-award-specialSpecjalna Nagroda - du training efficace
FJulien aka "Chtimi"player-award-specialSpecjalna Nagroda - de l'alpha en 12 tours
FMathieu aka "Lapin"player-award-specialSpecjalna Nagroda - de Rose dans son cupcake de l'espace !
FMathieu aka "Mecaflux"player-award-specialSpecjalna Nagroda - du mec qui se vengera à Légion
FMatthieu aka "Celewyr"player-award-specialSpecjalna Nagroda - du mec qui continue à orga des tournois x-wing sous l'ère AMG ! Maso !
FNicolas aka "bayushi"player-award-specialSpecjalna Nagroda - de la liste de connard (qu'on aime !)
FRomain aka "Khamal"player-award-specialSpecjalna Nagroda - de la bière (quoi ? y'avait autre chose ??)

Single Player Results:

LP. Miejsce Nazwa Pochodzenie Drużyna Armia Total
1.1.p1Nicolas aka "bayushi"player-award-specialFLilleNorthern Rebel SquadronRebel Alliance13
2.2.p2Romain aka "Khamal"player-award-specialFLilleNorthern Rebel SquadronRebel Alliance10
3.3.p3Matthieu aka "Celewyr"player-award-specialFPhalempinNorthern Rebel SquadronRebel Alliance8
4.4.Mathieu aka "Mecaflux"player-award-specialFPerenchiesNorthern Rebel SquadronFirst Order8
5.5.Julien aka "Chtimi"player-award-specialFTourcoingNorthern Rebel SquadronGalactic Republic5
6.6.Mathieu aka "Lapin"player-award-specialFCarvinNorthern Rebel SquadronFirst Order3
7.7.Gauthier aka "Gothgoth"player-award-specialFCysoingNorthern Rebel SquadronScum and Villainy3
8.8.Christophe aka "EGN_MX5"player-award-specialFLa MadeleineNorthern Rebel SquadronGalactic Republic0
Description of the used abbreviations (not all have to be used): AC=Army Composition, PR=Paint Rating, FP=Fairplay, QP=Quiz points, OP=Other points

Team Results (at least 2 players):

1.Northern Rebel Squadron (8)6.25

City Results (at least 2 players):

1.Lille (2)11.50

Army Results:

1.Rebel Alliance (3)10.33
2.First Order (2)5.50
3.Scum and Villainy (1)3.00
4.Galactic Republic (2)2.50
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