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Luxcon - Informatie en regels

The tournament will take place during the Luxcon (saturday 22nd of April 2017) in Luxembourg.
The doors to the Luxcon will open at 10h00.
Registration fee of 10€ and includes a ticket for one day at the Luxcon.

⦁ 50ss Gaining Grounds
⦁ Single faction: You declare 1 faction for the whole tournament
⦁ No pool limitation: free choice of Masters and crew for each game

Painting and Modeling rules:
⦁ All models have to be painted to at least a basic level

Strategies and Schemes :

Round 1 :
Flank deployment
Strategy : Squatter's Rights (Rulebook)
Claim Jump (always)
Accusation! (Mask)
Leave your Mark (Tomes)
Undercover Entourage (2)
Hunting Party (4)

Round 2 :
Corner deployment
Strategy : Extraction (GG2017)
Claim Jump (always)
Frame for Murder (Rams)
Eliminate the Leadership (Doubles)
Covert Breakthrough (1)
Set up (4)

Round 1 :
Standart deployment
Strategy : Head Hunter (GG 2017)
Claim Jump (always)
Dig their Graves (Crows)
Accusation (Mask)
Search the Ruins (8)
Tail 'Em (10)

Schedule :
10h00 : Greetings
10h30 : Round 1
12h30 : 60min lunch break
13h30 : Round 2
15h30 : 30min break
16h00 : Round 3
18h15 : Tournament results and lottery

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