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Solo AoS de Septembre à Utopolys - Lijst van deelnemers

1. Guillaume aka "DantedeMachiavel"FMons En Baroeul705Stormcast EternalsLes Chatards !ja
2. Boris aka "Lokento"BTrazegnies204Orruk WarclansLa tour d'ébèneja
3. Derrick aka "Mandogrogu"FVilleneuve-D’Ascq438SeraphonLes Chatards !ja
4. Florian aka "FloRoub"FBondues68Maggotkin of NurgleLes Roublardsja
5. Valentin aka "Seyrinian"FLille137Grand Alliance DeathLes Chatards !ja
6. Axel aka "nohman"BGembloux1613SeraphonLa tour d'ébèneja
7. Matthieu aka "LUPETTE"FBezannes208Sons of BehematDuo Ludisja
8. Clément aka "Morbrock"FRonchin453Orruk WarclansLes Chatards !ja
9. Daniel aka "Uthred"FCharleville-Mézières370Beasts of ChaosDuo Ludisja
10. Quentin aka "Lsteack"FBonningues Lès Calais288Grand Alliance DestructionLes Chatards !ja
11. Valentin aka "Nightwish59"FArmentieres209Legions of Nagashhaut death franceja
12. Jérémie aka "Kata"FLille339Blades of KhorneLes Chatards !ja
13. Ludovic aka "Elorend"BLochristi74Maggotkin of Nurgleja
14. Pierre aka "Erlith"FVilleneuve D'ascq278Daughters of KhaineLes Chatards !ja
15. Maxime aka "Pippin"FHazebrouck86Lumineth Realm-Lordshaut death franceja
16. Aurélien aka "Snarkwik"BQuevaucamps689Ossiarch BonereapersLa tour d'ébèneja
17. Jovien aka "Djocolt"FHaubourdin158Flesh-eater CourtsL'homme seulja
18. Damien aka "Gahazell"FReims8SkavenLa meuteja
19. Tristan aka "biwis"BQuievrain151Hedonites of SlaaneshLa tour d'ébèneja
20. Francesco aka "Greyvax"BMons1475Stormcast EternalsLa tour d'ébèneja

Leger verdeling
Maggotkin of Nurgle:2
Orruk Warclans:2
Stormcast Eternals:2
Beasts of Chaos:1
Blades of Khorne:1
Daughters of Khaine:1
Flesh-eater Courts:1
Grand Alliance Death:1
Grand Alliance Destruction:1
Hedonites of Slaanesh:1
Legions of Nagash:1
Lumineth Realm-Lords:1
Ossiarch Bonereapers:1
Sons of Behemat:1
Verdeling van herkomsten
Nord (59):10
Marne (51):2
Ardennes (08):1
Manche (50):1
Orne (61):1
Pas-de-Calais (62):1
Haute-Saône (70):1
Savoie (73):1
Deux-Sèvres (79):1
Territoire-de-Belfort (90):1
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