T³ - TableTop Toernooien
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NTRv3.0 - Toernooi resultaten - Alkemy aux JFJ 2022

1.Pierre aka "caillou"FmarinesCobra Guard
2.Aaah aka "Magnor"FOrsayCobra Guard
3.Thomas aka "Thomas_Lef_Duv"FMontessonThe Escapees
4.Matthieu aka "GhazgH"FBoulogne-BillancourtRados Cults
5.Clément aka "FullMetalDaddy"FBoulogne BillancourtSorority & Fadela
6.Emmanuel aka "Manu62"FVendin-Le-VieilCobra Guard
7.Matéo aka "MateoJ"FNaashti
8.Shashak aka "Shashak"FOrsayWalosi Clan
9.Benjamin aka "Sasori"FBrébièresKhaliman republic
10.Joueur aka "joueur-fantome"
11.Vincent aka "DocteurDi"FTourcoingEmpire of the Jade Triad
12.Nicolas aka "k-sandre"FMeauxRados Cults
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