T³ - TableTop Toernooien
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NTRv3.0 - Toernooi resultaten - Rage against the Machine II

1.Cristopher aka "DocBembel"DMünchenCygnar
2.(anoniem)The Circle Orboros
3.Moritz aka "Last-Knight"DHolzkirchenLegion of Everblight
4.Martin aka "Prometheus"DMünchenCryx
6.Henry aka "Naggaroth"DLudwigsburgLegion of Everblight
7.Sedric aka "Stormwolf-"DBesigheimCygnar
8.Dominic aka "Warbitch_Deneghra"DMeersburgCryx
9.Jörg aka "Irrer_Schlitzer"DUlmProtectorate of Menoth
10.Thorsten aka "Rantanplan"DNersingenCygnar
12.Alexander aka "OnkelBoB"DRöthenbachKhador
13.Joachim aka "Mootaz"DStuttgartLegion of Everblight
14.Stefan aka "Ruad"ASalzburgProtectorate of Menoth
15.Daniel aka "Haunted"ASalzburgTrollblood
17.Andreas aka "GadrAl"DBrackenheimTrollblood
18.Alexander aka "gid"DMünchenTrollblood
19.Patrick aka "Burko"DAngelbachtalProtectorate of Menoth
20.Stefan aka "Apotheosis"RegenstaufProtectorate of Menoth
21.Eva aka "Blutalbe"DMarkt SchwabenProtectorate of Menoth
22.Michael aka "redarrow"DTübingenKhador
23.Christian aka "Lich_Lord"DUlmCryx
24.Andras aka "Kunci"DMünchenTrollblood
25.(anoniem)The Circle Orboros
25.(anoniem)The Circle Orboros
26.Gregor aka "Icestorm"AStraßwalchenKhador
26.Christian aka "Sledge"DMünchenThe Circle Orboros
28.Johannes aka "Gimli"ASalzburgCygnar
29.Phil aka "Shagrath"SalzburgCryx
30.Norbert aka "Leon1976"DFeldkirchenMercenaries
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