T³ - TableTop Toernooien
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NTRv3.0 - Toernooi resultaten - Regular Turnier des Gryphon Squad Season 19-2

1.Manish aka "Tharlin"DRauenbergGalactic Empire
2.Sascha aka "Schattenlicht"DGerolsheimRebel Alliance
3.Daniel aka "surfing_fin"DWaldemsSeparatist Alliance
4.Christian aka "DOME"DKarlsruheRebel Alliance
5.Thomas aka "Kettch"DRodgauScum and Villainy
6.Stefan aka "NakedWookiee"DPfungstadtRebel Alliance
7.Patrick aka "beardxofxdeath"DHomburgGalactic Empire
8.Andreas aka "TheRealStarkiller"DWieslochGalactic Empire
9.Christoph aka "Cradossk"DDettenheimGalactic Empire
10.Matthias aka "Khabarakh"DFrankenthalGalactic Empire
11.Harald aka "Hardrider"DAglasterhausenScum and Villainy
12.Bert aka "Hachimon"DMühlheimGalactic Republic
13.Oliver aka "kaibabros"DKetschGalactic Empire
14.Stefan aka "Durandell"DLudwigshafen am RheinFirst Order
15.Stefan aka "SomethinFierce"DSchwetzingenScum and Villainy
16.Alexander aka "Aggrecan"DHeidelbergSeparatist Alliance
17.Toni aka "TG81"DMannheimSeparatist Alliance
18.Andreas aka "Rogue9"DHeidelbergRebel Alliance
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