T³ - TableTop Toernooien
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NTRv3.0 - Toernooi resultaten - Le Cercle des Investigateurs d'Underworlds

1.Maël aka "Torkil"FCourcouronnesThe Chosen Axes
2.Pierre-Louis aka "Cendrillon"FTigeryZarbag’s Gitz
3.Xavier aka "Kami"FFleury-les-AubraisGarrek's Reavers
4.Isabelle I.FSainte-Geneviève-Des-BoisIronskull's Boyz
5.Guillaume aka "Grob1"FBrétigny-Sur-OrgeStormsire's Cursebreakers
6.Julien aka "Linkoln"FSaint Michel Sur OrgeSpiteclaw's Swarm
7.Vincent aka "bravo4"FParisStormsire's Cursebreakers
8.Alexis aka "Lexgrug"FSainte Geneviève Des BoisEyes of the Nine
9.Alain aka "hellbringer"FLongpont-Sur-OrgeSepulchral Guard
10.Jerome aka "Darklord"FSt VrainSepulchral Guard
11.Xavier R.FArpajonThorns of the Briar Queen
12.Mickael aka "Mykeul"Fsaint fargeau ponthierrySpiteclaw's Swarm
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