T³ - TableTop Toernooien
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NTRv3.0 - Toernooi resultaten - Delfinmachine™, vol. 1: 30°, Flamingos und Flipper

1.Bernhard aka "bnf"DHeidelbergThe Circle Orboros
2.Janos aka "Cryxnoob"DBad KreuznachCryx
3.Moritz aka "Last-Knight"DIron IslandsCryx
4.Dorian aka "Totorostraum"DHeidelbergThe Circle Orboros
5.Robin aka "Robby_The_Kid"DKoblenzGrymkin
6.Lukas aka "Rainbow_Dash"ASalzburgThe Skorne
7.Tobias aka "Madson"DKarlsruheRetribution of Scyrah
8.Kevin aka "Nox"DBerlinLegion of Everblight
9.David aka "DaveRocka"DBad GriesbachLegion of Everblight
10.Sascha aka "Sascha"DDüsseldorfProtectorate of Menoth
11.Thomas aka "KomWu"DMünchenGrymkin
12.Sven aka "Skathrex"DBerlinCrucible Guard
13.Holger aka "holgonaut"DBerlinLegion of Everblight
14.Andreas aka "Raskild"DKarlsruheCrucible Guard
15.Daniel aka "Just_dan"AWienRetribution of Scyrah
16.Andreas aka "Andue"DBad DürrheimProtectorate of Menoth
17.Andreas aka "Doenermann"DAuf deiner MutterProtectorate of Menoth
18.Dominik aka "bounce"DBurgwedelThe Skorne
19.Tom aka "Gorkul"DBerlinKhador
20.Thomas aka "Chevelle"DFreisingThe Skorne
21.Christoph aka "codo"DMünchenTrollblood
22.Samir aka "Ronan"DDüsseldorfKhador
23.Daniel aka "Snot"AWienCygnar
24.Brendan aka "zich"DNopeRetribution of Scyrah
25.Danny aka "Wutini"DFürstenfeldbruckMinions
26.Alexander aka "Dark_Chaos_Master"AWienKhador
27.(anoniem)The Skorne
28.Andreas aka "Andreas"DNeufahrn bei FreisingThe Circle Orboros
29.Enes aka "Cryxus"DTuttlingenCryx
30.Julian aka "Saviour"DMünchenGrymkin
31.(anoniem)Legion of Everblight
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