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NTRv3.0 - Toernooi resultaten - Myreille Strategic Team III

1.Begian Chocolates
Guy aka "IHDarklord"BRoeselareUndying Dynasties
Geoffrey aka "Gregor"BLigneDaemon Legions
Pascal aka "SmithF"BBruxellesDread Elves
Nico aka "PrinceCharming"BLeopoldsburgSaurian Ancients
2.La Bande à Basile
Thomas aka "Lake"FMontrougeOgre Khans
Juan aka "Xso"EParisSylvan Elves
Xxxx aka "Humblr"AUSParisSaurian Ancients
Renato aka "Kermit"PParisUndying Dynasties
3.hot and bash
Pierre aka "kerathop"FChâtelleraultInfernal Dwarves
Gaspard aka "Gaspacho"FRouenOrcs and Goblins
Alexandre aka "Polasky"FSaint-fuscienBeast Herds
Zacharie aka "luthorhuss"FLe MansOgre Khans
4.Les chevaliers de la duchesse
Guillaume aka "Gozher"FNantesVampire Covenant
Loïc aka "Chareos"FNantesEmpire of Sonnstahl
Benjamin aka "Brutal"FNantesBeast Herds
Jérémie aka "Cheveux"FNantesThe Vermin Swarm
5.Yeomen 1
Thomas aka "redisdead"FPuteauxOrcs and Goblins
Stéphane aka "NevaR"FBpvVampire Covenant
Xavier aka "Scott59"FChâteaudunSaurian Ancients
David aka "redemeer"FSancerreEmpire of Sonnstahl
6.FBJ Canal Historique
Florent aka "blustyle"Fmaisons-laffitte(Paris)Undying Dynasties
Johan aka "Cynosarge"FParisVampire Covenant
Fabrice aka "Babnik"FJoinville le PontKingdom of Equitaine
Jean-Cyrille aka "valius-lisanus"FAntonyInfernal Dwarves
7.Henri's chosen
William aka "wil7"LLuxemburgDaemon Legions
Paul aka "Koudelkar"LSyrenThe Vermin Swarm
Sebastien aka "Zlatanlux"LBivangeVampire Covenant
Sébastien aka "Wally"LCapellenInfernal Dwarves
Mathieu aka "Zur"FWattigniesSylvan Elves
Thomas aka "Varathorn"FAubyDwarven Holds
Ced aka "ceddur"FAnhiersSaurian Ancients
Nicolas aka "Branlibu"FDouaiKingdom of Equitaine
9.Rieurs Sangliers
Loick aka "logik"BBruxellesInfernal Dwarves
Camille aka "Sire_Trencavel"BBruxellesEmpire of Sonnstahl
François aka "Valmir"BAthThe Vermin Swarm
Edouard aka "Wraysford"BBruxellesVampire Covenant
10.Space Catins
Rémy aka "Lothemar"FVersaillesHighborn Elves
Virgil aka "Bily"FRouenEmpire of Sonnstahl
Racoon aka "BlackRacoon"FRouenVampire Covenant
Jonas aka "LeonTrodSkill"FRouenUndying Dynasties
Ludovic aka "ludmar"FLa Chapelle St LucOrcs and Goblins
Guillaume aka "Vollen"FTroyesDwarven Holds
Jonathan aka "Kroxi38"FRuyDaemon Legions
Flavien aka "radagast"FArcis sur AubeEmpire of Sonnstahl
12.les ch'tis n'ours
Clément aka "Tahiti_Bob"FLilleVampire Covenant
Axel aka "Tictac"FMouvauxOrcs and Goblins
Alban aka "crocmor"FTourcoingWarriors of the Dark Gods
Richard aka "my_way"FLilleOgre Khans
13.In Tartiflette We Trust
Laurent aka "MysticAngel"FGerbaixVampire Covenant
Pierre aka "edelen"FChambéryDwarven Holds
Simon aka "Chamsnik"FChambéryOrcs and Goblins
Nicolas aka "mercos"FnantesOgre Khans
14.Les ch'tis n'ours bruns Bis
Claire aka "Rox"FHazebrouckSylvan Elves
Rémy aka "Xanaxide"FLe QuesnoyOgre Khans
Anthony aka "Orphis"BCrupetOrcs and Goblins
Alan aka "avrok"FHazebrouckInfernal Dwarves
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