T³ - TableTop Toernooien
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NTRv3.0 - Toernooi resultaten - Eisenhammer V - Farewell Scramble

1.Major Mickey McWriggles Lonely Dirty Gang
Moritz aka "Last-Knight"DIron IslandsCryx
Michael aka "Labla"DMünchenCygnar
Julian aka "Saviour"DKraillingMercenaries
Lukas aka "Rainbow_Dash"ASalzburgThe Skorne
Andreas aka "Doenermann"DAuf deiner MutterGrymkin
2.This is speed dating right?
Søren J.DKHorsensCryx
Julien aka "Tetard"FWormhoutCygnar
Johan aka "Keizer"DKCopenhagenThe Skorne
Dominik aka "bounce"DBurgwedelGrymkin
Robin aka "Robby_The_Kid"DKoblenzConvergence of Cyriss
3.Prinzesschen and the Fabulettes
Wout aka "Wout"BKapellenGrymkin
Niels aka "Gannon"BHulsteLegion of Everblight
Klaas aka "Klaw"BleopoldsburgCryx
Dirk aka "Dirk"BMerksemProtectorate of Menoth
Laurens aka "Prinzesschen"BHobokenRetribution of Scyrah
Filip aka "zinken"SUmeaTrollblood
Erik aka "viggo3000"SUmeåThe Circle Orboros
Johan aka "Rorin"SUmeåThe Skorne
Robin aka "Linkatit"SUmeåCygnar
Daniel aka "Setomidor"SUmeåCygnar
5.Team Remain
Cole W.UKEdinburghCygnar
Simon aka "MCGA"UKWorksopCryx
Ryan aka "Longy"UKLiverpoolThe Skorne
Adam aka "greyknightv6"UKPrestonCryx
(anoniem)Retribution of Scyrah
6.Kritisch Daneben
Thomas aka "Ghostdog"DFrankfurtRetribution of Scyrah
Chrissy aka "Welpenwuerger"DBremenCryx
Robin aka "DerRobbe"DBremenTrollblood
Frontkommandeur aka "Aufs_Maul"DBremenLegion of Everblight
Lenny aka "Potter"DWedelMinions
7.Corgi butts drive me nuts
Florian aka "Rabe"DDüsseldorfCryx
Christopher aka "Greif"DMainzProtectorate of Menoth
Alexander aka "Jetelu"DMünsterMercenaries
Bernhard aka "bnf"DHeidelbergThe Circle Orboros
8.Team More Scottish Than Last Year
Kasper aka "Pino"DKEgåRetribution of Scyrah
Christoph aka "ZaZ"DLandau in der PfalzCygnar
Dummy3 aka "dummy3"DHellThe Circle Orboros
Dummy2 aka "dummy2"DHellGrymkin
Cornelius aka "Xarnan"DKKbh. SThe Circle Orboros
9.Old men yelling at dice
Samir aka "Ronan"DDüsseldorfKhador
Bartholomäus aka "Bar-Tank"DDüsseldorfKhador
Frank aka "Rufus"DDüsseldorfCygnar
(anoniem)Retribution of Scyrah
10.Team Leave
Martina aka "Bazinga"DKarlsruheThe Circle Orboros
Ben aka "BenHampshire"DEvenleyGrymkin
Janni aka "linnert"DStuttgartRetribution of Scyrah
Daniel aka "Dansl"UKEdinburghProtectorate of Menoth
Richard aka "Rwould"UKHucknallTrollblood
11.Bombers Finest
Aloys aka "Pt-ach"DListrupMercenaries
Dummy aka "dummy"DTrollblood
Martin aka "Cidster"DBonnThe Skorne
Jens aka "Karacho"DHamburgTrollblood
Pascal aka "CandyTrash"DDiezGrymkin
12.Im tiefen Tal der Superhexen
Nathalie aka "LilaLauneShredder"DKrefeldLegion of Everblight
Christoph aka "jacobi"DHattingenThe Circle Orboros
Alexander aka "Caligari"DBochumGrymkin
Michael aka "Sorocco"DBochumProtectorate of Menoth
Adrian aka "Safetyguy"DDuisburgMinions
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