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ETR Europa - Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game Plaats 1806 - Christian aka "DonScovillo" Van DBochum

Christian behaalde volgende plaatsen op XWING-toernooien in Europa...

Gewaardeerde toernooien (De 5 beste volgens PP. Dan passen we PP * WF = NP toe.):
9Vier Winde X-Wing Store ChampionshipD44809 BochumGalactic Empire22-07-201724480.56%+0%0.1824%0.04
57Deutsche Meisterschaft 2016D74731 Walldürn04-09-2016127850.32%+0%0.1522%0.03
20X-Wing Regional Mitte vom Fantasy InD31241 IlsedeGalactic Empire21-01-201740610.42%+0%0.1320%0.03
4Bespins Finest X-Mas BashD44809 BochumGalactic Empire16-12-201710250.75%+0%0.1318%0.02
34MER Tatooine Trophy 2016D38239 Salzgitter-ThiedeGalactic Empire29-10-201660720.32%+0%0.1016%0.02
Meer toernooien:
1X-Wing - Turnier - Duisburg - Roskothen - Winter Kit 2016D47051 DuisburgGalactic Empire13-02-201618400.18%+20%0.09--
36. Schlacht über den Bochumer HighlandsD44787 BochumGalactic Empire30-04-201616370.24%+0%0.08--
3Second Battle over BespinD44809 BochumGalactic Empire28-11-201523460.18%+0%0.07--
54Deutsche X-Wing Meisterschaft 2015D57548 Kirchen16-08-2015133850.13%+0%0.07--
10Store Championship KrefeldD47798 KrefeldRebel Alliance13-03-201622450.24%+0%0.06--
1X-Wing Game Night Kit Turnier im Fantasy WarehouseD58638 IserlohnGalactic Empire27-08-20167160.32%+20%0.06--
32X-Wing DM Qualifier - RPC Special EventD50679 KölnGalactic Empire17-05-201571770.13%+0%0.06--
1It's another trap! Münster X-Wing TurnierD48143 MünsterRebel Alliance23-08-201514340.13%+20%0.05--
3First Battle of BespinD44809 BochumRebel Alliance05-09-201520430.13%+0%0.05--
193Deutsche Meisterschaft 2017D40545 Düsseldorf25-08-2017216850.56%+0%0.05--
45Star Wars: X-Wing Regional West 2016D58675 HemerGalactic Empire05-06-201663730.24%+0%0.05--
9It's a Trap - pre regional jam!D48143 MünsterGalactic Empire22-05-201618400.24%+0%0.05--
43Regionalmeisterschaften: Fantasywelt Masters goes Wu Dao (FWD)D22111 HamburgGalactic Empire29-05-201654690.24%+0%0.03--
12Rebel Scum 1D46047 OberhausenGalactic Empire19-11-201616370.32%+0%0.03--
14X-Wing: Nacht über PlutoD44649 HerneGalactic Empire09-01-201619410.18%+0%0.02--
26It´s a Trap! Big-Time! [Store Championship]D48161 MünsterRebel Alliance31-01-201632550.18%+0%0.02--
16OMG! It´s yet another trap!D48143 MünsterGalactic Empire15-11-201518400.18%+0%0.01--
6Iserlohner X-Wing TurnierD58638 IserlohnGalactic Empire09-05-20158200.13%+0%0.01--
15X-Wing Winter Turnier - Duisburg - Roskothen - November 2015D47051 DuisburgGalactic Empire07-11-201516370.18%+0%0.00--
21. FSE Freitags Game NightD53937 EuskirchenGalactic Empire04-03-2016400.24%+0%0.00--
136X-Wing System Open Series: LothalD70629 Stuttgart26-06-2016136850.24%+0%0.00--
Bijkomende ETR- plaatsingen:
* 225. Plaats in de SWIA-ranking van Europa
* 73. Plaats in de SWIA-ranking van DDuitsland
* 1019. Plaats in de XWING-ranking van DDuitsland
Spelers awards:
* It´s a Trap! Big-Time! [Store Championship]: player-award-specialSpeciale Prijs - Jar Jar des Tages
AD = Aantal deelnemers
TP = Toernooi punten
TF = Tijds factor
PB = Plaatsings bonus
SP = Speler punten (Afhankelijk van plaatsing en TF)
WF = Wegingsfactor
EP = Gewaardeerde ETR-Punten

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