ETR - Toernooi resultaten - 5ème Tournoi WBF MGWA
Plaatsingen | Naam | Oorsprong | Leger |
1. | Nicolas aka "Morad" | Montfort L'amaury | Daemons of Chaos |
1. | Xavier aka "Fleux" | Bonnelles | Dwarfs |
1. | Nicolas aka "Mouth" | Bonnelles | Bretonnia |
2. | Vincent aka "Petit_Agite" | Bois-Colombes | Dogs of War |
2. | Guilhem aka "Ghuy_Nayss" |  | Dogs of War |
2. | Johan aka "Cynosarge" | Paris | Dogs of War |
3. | Thomas aka "Aerys" | Lyon | Empire |
3. | Thierry aka "Lord_Morgul" | Meudon La Foret | Dwarfs |
3. | Thierry aka "Krissa" | Montigny Le Bretonneux | Skaven |
4. | Jean-Bernard aka "JB_" | Saint Arnoult En Yvelines | Vampire Counts |
4. | Jérémy aka "jeremole" | Bonnelles | Wood Elves |
4. | Alexandre aka "rhezous" | chaville | Daemons of Chaos |
5. | Mathieu aka "Zso" | Neuilly Sous Clermont | High Elves |
5. | Jordan aka "Scorp" | Rousseloy | Vampire Counts |
5. | Cyrille aka "cctoons" | Breuil Le Sec | Dark Elves |
6. | David aka "dasu" | Montrouge | Vampire Counts |
6. | Willliam aka "willkill" | Deuil La Barre | Lizardmen |
6. | Antoine aka "Mortecouille" | Châtellerault | Ogre Kingdoms |
7. | Pierre aka "Liercake" | Méry Sur Oise | Dwarfs |
7. | Christophe aka "Kristof" | Osny | Chaos Warriors |
7. | Xavier aka "ttx27" | Deuil | Tomb Kings |