T³ - TableTop Toernooien
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ETR - Toernooi resultaten - X wing 12-2024

1.Pierre aka "pierelg"FCherbourgScum and Villainy
2.Gregory aka "Bona"FCherbourg-en-cotentinFirst Order
3.Laurent aka "Tserb29"FBrestSeparatist Alliance
4.Yoann aka "Ardsword"FSavigny-En-VéronGalactic Empire
5.Jérôme aka "GG-17_le_wookie_saint-lois"FSaint-LôScum and Villainy
6.Noé aka "mini_dorpheos"FEqueurdreville - HainnevilleRebel Alliance
7.Titouan aka "Titouan-le-mini-wookie"FSaint-LôScum and Villainy
8.Florian aka "dorpheos"FEqueurdreville - HainnevilleScum and Villainy
9.Lionel aka "TARVITZ"FBrestScum and Villainy
10.Odin aka "Odin"FCherbourg-En-CotentinRebel Alliance
11.Yohann aka "YohannCwikla"FVireScum and Villainy
12.Jérôme aka "Jester86"FVastevilleScum and Villainy
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