T³ - TableTop Toernooien
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ETR - Toernooi resultaten - Zweites Gefecht im Kotten

1.Malte aka "mahl-tee"DTönisvorstGuardians of the Carrock
2.Marvin aka "Thorgrim_8J"DBreckerfeldKhazad-dûm
3.Max aka "DonMax3000"DLohmarThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
4.Andreas aka "Avalon_"DWermelskirchenAngmar
5.Kay aka "hakseng"DDüsseldorfThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
6.Andrew aka "DukeCountoo"DBonnIsengard
7.Nick aka "TheOnlyAhlbach"DRatingenMinas Tirith
8.Christian aka "Chris89"DGeisenheimThranduil's Hall
9.Jonas aka "Sterlix"DWiesbadenThe Shire
10.Robert aka "Onenote"DSolingenThe Nazgûl
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