T³ - TableTop Toernooien
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ETR - Toernooi resultaten - 7. ReckenEcke Awakens - Reloaded

1.Sören aka "Kleiner_Fehler"DErfurtGalactic Empire
2.Steffen aka "White_Templer"DErfurtGalactic Republic
3.Max aka "Khain90"DWeimarScum and Villainy
4.Michael aka "WingCommanderMikey"DAnnaberg-BuchholzGalactic Empire
5.Enrico aka "Enno"DDresdenScum and Villainy
6.Ronald aka "Suppenschwein"DDresdenScum and Villainy
7.Marcel aka "Dalli"DDresdenGalactic Empire
8.Martin aka "Kyoto87"DDresdenScum and Villainy
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