T³ - TableTop Toernooien
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ETR - Toernooi resultaten - Bandits im Hyperspace die 2.

1.Christian aka "Morka"DFlensburgRebel Alliance
2.(anoniem)Scum and Villainy
2.(anoniem)Scum and Villainy
3.Alexander aka "luke732"DKielGalactic Empire
4.Björn aka "Bobby1502"DKielRebel Alliance
5.Lukas aka "Startling"DFlensburgGalactic Empire
6.Axel aka "A-J-McMiller"DEggebekRebel Alliance
7.Thomas aka "Maffix"DFlensburgScum and Villainy
8.Björn aka "Rufname-Z"DKisdorfFirst Order
9.Maik aka "Doc_Derringer"DNiebüllGalactic Empire
10.André aka "KingAnti"DFlensburgRebel Alliance
11.Alexander aka "Sokobius"DKielGalactic Empire
12.Kay aka "greystar"DTarpGalactic Republic
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