T³ - TableTop Toernooien
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ETR - Toernooi resultaten - Standard-Turnier der Gryphon Squad auf der Brain and Dice 2019

1.Stefan aka "Edi"DKarlsruheSeparatist Alliance
2.Christian aka "DOME"DKarlsruheResistance
3.Marcel aka "Destiny"DWaghäuselGalactic Republic
4.Eric aka "Xarfai"DMaintalGalactic Empire
5.Ingo aka "Lowbacca"DBüdingenRebel Alliance
6.Harald aka "Hardrider"DAglasterhausenScum and Villainy
7.Tom aka "Skuunk"DKarlsruheRebel Alliance
8.Christoph aka "Cradossk"DDettenheimGalactic Empire
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