T³ - TableTop Toernooien
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ETR - Toernooi resultaten - Münchner WM/Hordes Turnier Vol. 10: Winter-Rangelei

1.Martin aka "Prometheus"DMünchenThe Circle Orboros
2.Thomas aka "Chevelle"DFreisingCrucible Guard
3.Andreas aka "Doenermann"DAuf deiner MutterCrucible Guard
4.Brendan aka "zich"DNopeThe Skorne
5.Dorian aka "Totorostraum"DHeidelbergThe Circle Orboros
6.Jan aka "Simsalabim"DMünchenThe Circle Orboros
7.Andreas aka "Andreas"DNeufahrn bei FreisingThe Circle Orboros
8.Christoph aka "codo"DMünchenTrollblood
9.William aka "Will709"DDonauwörthRetribution of Scyrah
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