T³ - TableTop Toernooien
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ETR - Toernooi resultaten - Le Tournoi de printemps des Dés Rangés

1.Aymeric aka "S3phiroxx"FSaintesRebel Alliance
2.Jerome aka "Clay-J"FSaint Medard D'aunisScum and Villainy
3.Benjamin aka "JediYoda"FTalenceRebel Alliance
4.Gab aka "Dundee"FLa RochelleRebel Alliance
5.Anton aka "Arnakh"FMerignacGalactic Empire
6.Alexandre aka "nalex23"FLa RochelleRebel Alliance
7.Xavier aka "Wallou1982"FSaintesScum and Villainy
8.Hugo aka "MoffDandy"FSaintesGalactic Empire
9.Guillaume aka "Perceo"FSaintesRebel Alliance
10.Matthieu aka "Wedge_Nantillais"FOudonRebel Alliance
11.Philippe aka "El_Moutane"FGujan MestrasRebel Alliance
12.Fabien aka "Scars69"FBordeauxScum and Villainy
13.Benoist aka "Darth_Hunter"FNantesGalactic Empire
14.Gilles aka "iGogol"FSaint Hilaire de LoulayRebel Alliance
15.Jean-Baptiste aka "Master_Jib"FSaintesRebel Alliance
16.Olivier aka "O42"FLa JarrieRebel Alliance
17.Thibaud aka "Taykibo"FMésangerRebel Alliance
18.Vincent aka "KainDenosgoth"FSaintesGalactic Empire
19.Florent aka "Florent"FGradignanGalactic Empire
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