T³ - TableTop Toernooien
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ETR - Toernooi resultaten - Conf-fédé @ JFJ2014

1.Clément aka "Stylnox"FBrugesWolfen of Yllia
2.Laurent aka "saurdak"FViroflayDwarves of Tir-Na-Bor
3.Docteur aka "Docteur_Hareng"FLe Grand BérouCadwallon
4.Olivier aka "the_red_eye"FBordeaux-BèglesAlchemists of Dirz
5.Brice aka "brice82"FSouancé-Au-PercheOrcs of Bran-ô-Kor & Behemoth
6.Daniel aka "Pelayo"FMontgeronWolfen of Yllia
7.Adrien aka "fureur_d_ynkaro"FMérignacLions of Alahan
8.Alexandre aka "Belial33"FBordeauxDevourers of Vile-Tis
9.Natacha A.FMontgeronOphidians
10.Guillaume aka "Desru"FEYSINESWolfen of Yllia
11.Fabrice aka "khan_did"FReimsWolfen of Yllia
12.Rodolphe aka "dragosth"FBornelAlchemists of Dirz
13.Louis-Marie aka "Luidgi"FParisThe Griffins of Akkylannie
14.Gregory F.FBeauvaisDevourers of Vile-Tis
15.Jérôme aka "Duglandal"FFagnièresKelt Sessairs
16.Julien aka "troispoints"FLyonThe Griffins of Akkylannie
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