T³ - TableTop Turniere
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NTRv3.0 - Turnierergebnisse - FISTEAM III

Fabien aka "MarcelChamblard"FLilleMinions
Pierre Arnauld aka "connetable_pa"FParisKhador
Kilian aka "Rawr"FBesançonCrucible Guard
2.Hard Placed Anonymous Gentlemen
Benoit aka "Bennep"BHasseltThe Skorne
Axel aka "nohman"BGemblouxGrymkin
Tim aka "smeerlap"BRoeselareCryx
3.bashing pumpkins
Stéphane aka "Dephteros"FParisProtectorate of Menoth
Emilie aka "Shreddinette"FParisLegion of Everblight
Mathieu aka "Boneblade"FLe Perray En YvelinesMercenaries
Sylvain aka "Lelith"FLilleMercenaries
Quentin aka "Qu1nthus"FLilleRetribution of Scyrah
Aymeric aka "Mike_du_bois_d_Hazel"FHellemmes - LilleThe Circle Orboros
5.Perfiiid 2
David aka "Krador"FMassyKhador
Kevin aka "Raz"FLieusaintThe Circle Orboros
Andrea aka "Lady_Numiria"FHargniesTrollblood
6.Team 17
Ismaël aka "BicheNeuve"FLE POIRE SUR VIECrucible Guard
Rémy aka "Shoofshoof"FVendeeGrymkin
Nicolas aka "Nicoco"FVendéeThe Circle Orboros
7.Perfiiid 1
Thomas aka "Neuron_Psychare"FLilleThe Circle Orboros
Julien aka "Merou"FMontgeronKhador
Clément aka "Murmure"FAndrésyConvergence of Cyriss
8.Les Chatards !
Thierry aka "Ticamp_des_bois"FBesanconCygnar
Guillaume aka "Tassadar-01"FEnglosRetribution of Scyrah
Tisserant aka "TheLazyHase"FEvryThe Skorne
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