T³ - TableTop Turniere
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NTRv3.0 - Turnierergebnisse - Nemesis Vol.4

1.Le Cercle 1
Thomas aka "Scharossar"BWoluwe-Saint-LambertLegions of Nagash
Geoffrey aka "Kurtis"BPepinsterFlesh-eater Courts
2.Team Beau Jeu
Florian aka "Nemesis69"BBruxellesDaughters of Khaine
Quentin aka "Dark_Pips"BBruxellesSylvaneth
3.Gaming Lords Leuven
Stefaan M.BBoutersemLegions of Nagash
Jan aka "minisnatcher"BTienenIdoneth Deepkin
4.Les CH'TI vieux
Thierry aka "Dair_Daulaween"FCroixSeraphon
Franck aka "Goul"FVilleneuve d'AscqLegions of Nagash
5.L'improbable alliance
Vincent aka "khiguard"BGosseliesLegions of Nagash
Grégory aka "Psychoboy"BLillois-WitterzéeClans Skyre
Spyros aka "Spyros_K"BBruxellesBlades of Khorne
Sev aka "SevKe"BBruxellesStormcast Eternals
7.Silver Lizards
Baudouin aka "Baudet"BWoluwã©-Saint-LambertSeraphon
Julien aka "Ivanelis"BIxellesStormcast Eternals
8.Butt busters
Théophile aka "Voodoochild"BBruxellesGrand Alliance Destruction
Nico R.BBeasts of Chaos
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