ETR - Turnierergebnisse - Orktober Fest - Warmachine/Hordes
Platzierung | Name | Herkunft | Armee |
1. | Tom aka "Ygemethor" | Lognes | Minions |
2. | Vladimir aka "SunHunter" | Talence | Protectorate of Menoth |
3. | Nathan aka "Ishkar" | Castanet-Tolosan | The Circle Orboros |
4. | Nicolas aka "NycoCuny" | Dieupentale | Cygnar |
5. | Nicolas aka "taraspoutine" | Auterive | The Circle Orboros |
6. | Sylvester aka "communiste" | Moscul | Legion of Everblight |
7. | Tony aka "ZeFrite" | Toulouse | Cryx |
8. | Benoit aka "Maolmordha" | Toulouse | Retribution of Scyrah |
9. | Pier-Alban aka "Gil_Galad" | Cagnes-sur-Mer | The Circle Orboros |
10. | Alexandre aka "HarryWhy" | Toulouse | Cryx |