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TGH-Cup II - UK-Day - Information and Rules

Informationen und Regeln


Hallo liebe Leute,

hier möchten wir Euch umfassend über unser Turnier den „TGH-Cup II - UK-Day“ informieren.
Es handelt sich bei dem Turnier um ein Tagesturnier mit den folgenden Regeln:
Gespielt wird mit 2400-Punkte-Listen nach den aktuell gültigen „South Coast GT“-Beschränkungen mit „Random Draw“.
Es werden 3 durch die Orga direkt vor dem Spiel zufällig ermittelte Regelbuchszenarien gespielt.

Natürlich gibt es bei uns wie immer die im Preis inbegriffene Rundum-Versorgung. Bei uns gibt es SITT-SATT-GARANTIE :)

Bei Fragen mailt uns einfach oder ruft an: 0160/5540684 (Yannic) oder 0151/22222294 (Frederick)


Das Turnier findet im Mehrzweckraum der Turngemeinde Herford von 1860 e.V. im Sportpark Waldfrieden statt.

Waldfriedenstr. 62
32049 Herford

Vom Parkplatz sind es noch ca. 200m zum Gebäude – wir werden den Weg auf dem Gelände beschildern

ACHTUNG ZUGFAHRER: Der Bahnhof in Herford liegt auf der anderen Seite der Stadt! Solltet ihr mit dem Zug anreisen, dann meldet Euch bitte rechtzeitig, damit wir ggf. eine Mitfahrgelegenheit organisieren/vermitteln können.


Den Teilnahmebeitrag von 10,00€ (Vorkasse) überweist bitte auf folgendes Konto:

Yannic Titgemeyer
KTO: 1103539977
BLZ: 49450120
Sparkasse Herford
Betr.: "Name" + TGH-Cup II

TGH-Mitglieder zahlen nur 5,00€!!! Im Betrag sind die Teilnahme, sowie sämtliche Getränke und das Essen inbegriffen.


Wie genannt nutzen wir für unsere Spiele die jeweils aktuell gültigen „SCGT“-Beschränkungen.

Hausregeln: IT’S IN THE RULES!!!

Die Beschränkungen findet ihr hier (es gilt immer die aktuelle Version, bis zum Tag der Listen-Abgabefrist):
„SCGT 2013“ http://heelanassociates.co.uk/downloads/SCGT2013HouseRules.pdf

Zur Erklärung:
- JA, für die Beschränkungen für WoC gelten für den neuen Codex!!
- Die DoC-Beschränkungen gelten für das alte Buch, welches auch noch benutzt werden darf. Für das neue DoC-Buch gilt: „no pool choices“!
Wir behalten uns vor zu “bärtige” Listen zur Nachbesserung zurückzusenden.


Hier die FAQ’s für das SCGT 2013

Comp Clarifications
Q: Where the comp states ‘lore of shadow/lore of light’ etc does this mean per wizard?
A:Yes, the wording should be changed to
‘Each Wizard choosing spells from the lore of X’

High Elves
Q: As Teclis counts as 4 choices can I also select lore of light
A: No, as this would take you to 5 choices

Q: Do character mounts of Great Eagles count as a pool choice?
A: No they do not count.

Dark Elves
Q: Does “Unit with the ‘Fly’ Special Rule” extend to characters for the Dark Elf comp?
A : yes, it does.

Q:What counts as a shot for the comp? Does a Hydra’s breath weapon count?
A: Breath weapons do not count, multiple shot weapons count as there maximum shot total. Example, bolt throwers are 6 and Life Taker is 3.

Warriors of chaos
Q: What is the comp for warriors of chaos now a new book has been released?
A: No change – exactly the same

Daemons of Chaos
Q: Due to the new Daemons of chaos book what is the new comp?
A: No ‘Pool’ Choices

**its felt that we should leave the new books and let them have free reign until we can see if they need any comp and by taking knee jerk reactions on the book before its been used would be inappropriate**

Rulings for SCGT
Q: What is your unmodified Ld value?
A: This is the highest value in the unit with no modifiers.

Q: Other Tricksters Shard -
“Say there are only 7 models in a unit, and a model with OTS is in base contact with 2 other models. The unit has a 5+ ward save. If the unit was hit 7 times by some sort of ranged attack, does this mean that I need to specify to my opponent that 2 of those to-wound rolls need to be rolled separately? Furthermore at what point do I explain the reason why?“
A: If hit by normal non template shooting there is no need to re roll your ward saves – UNLESS rank and file models drop to only models in base contact with the model with OTS.
If hits are done by a template weapon / spells where every model in unit is hit then you need to work out the ones who need to re roll separately and tell your opponent why.

Q: regarding Other Trickster Shard in combat: How does this work with models attacking through affected models?
A: If a model is in base contact with a model affected by OTS you can direct all attacks through that model (so eligible models who can strike the affected enemy) and kill through into the unit. So

Daemons of Chaos
Q: Reign of Chaos, results 5,6,8,9 ‘roll a dice for each enemy unit’ – Does this only effect units dedicated to Tzeentch,Nurgle, Slaanesh and Khorne respectively.
A: No, it affects ALL enemy units regardless of their alignment.

Q:Can you choose duplicates of magic items from the demonic gift special rule.
A:No, there is a clear and defined distinction. Gifts can be duplicated in the army but NOT on same model. Where a gift allows you to pick a MAGIC ITEM they are unique across the army, so you can’t take 2 x Sword of Might for example

Ogre Kingdoms
Q: How are you ruling the Greedy Fist magic item due to contradiction in official FAQ? Does the greedyfist -1 level per hit rule work on ranged attacks/spells?
A: No, it only works on close combat attacks.

Chaos Dwarfs
Q: Chalice of Chaos – The use of it inbetween casting and dispelling, ie i roll my last power dice to cast then announce i’m using the Dark Challice to remove D3 of Your dispel dice before you dispel. Is this acceptable?
A: No, When you cast a spell you need to follow all the steps through such as dispel and spell resolution before doing another ‘action’ or using another ‘item’.

Q: If a model with infernal engineer special rule would benefit by being within range of a warmachine, will he get a look out sir roll to pass dreaded 13th, Dwellers or Final transformation to the war machine on a 2+?
A: Yes, because the rule states ‘’Infernal Engineer – A model with this special rule, if it is within 3’’ of one of their armies war machines, and not mounted on a monster, is allowed to take a ‘’look out sir’’ roll as if they were within a unit of five or more models.’’

Q: If Dreaded 13th is cast on a model with infernal engineer who successfully passes his look out sir roll, what happens?
A: the spell cannot affect warmachines so the spell has no effect.

Vampire Counts
Q: Can I heal a character with the lore attitude ‘the curse of undeath’?
A: The casting wizard can use the lore attitude on himself but cannot use it on another character.

Warriors of Chaos
Q: Does ‘soul feeder’ work on stomp/thunder stomp/Breath weapons?
A: No,
“Q: Are upgrades bought for characters from army specific lists which
aren’t magic items or equipment (such as Vampiric Powers or
Deamonic Gifts) special rules? (p66)
A: Yes, unless specifically stated otherwise in an entry.

Q: Do Stomp or Thunderstomp hits benefit from any other special
rules, equipment or magic items of the model that inflicts the hits?
A: „No.“

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