NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Frankfurt Ambush!
Placement | Name | Origin | Army |
1. | Henrik aka "Arctopithecus" | Heidelberg | Free Dwarfs |
2. | Stephan aka "Zurujin" | Fellbach | Varangur |
3. | Constantin aka "Owlbear" | Waiblingen | Northern Alliance |
4. | Mariyana R. | Frankfurt | Northern Alliance |
5. | Tobias aka "DerErpel" | Fellbach | Elves |
6. | (anonym) | | Forces of the Abyss |
7. | Sarah aka "SarahBB" | Ludwigsfelde | Northern Alliance |
8. | Clément aka "ClemClem" | berlin | Forces of the Abyss |
9. | Kai aka "Vade2" | Oberursel (Taunus) | Northern Alliance |
10. | Andrew aka "Abe" | Steinbach (Taunus) | Nightstalkers |
11. | Sebastian aka "Hermite" | Mannheim | Abyssal Dwarfs |
12. | Alex G. | Frankfurt am Main | Forces of the Abyss |
13. | (anonym) | | Forces of Nature |
14. | Wolfgang aka "WolleK" | Lülsdorf | Abyssal Dwarfs |
15. | Chris aka "Cthomas" | Eppstein | Trident Realms of Neritica |
16. | Caleb aka "CalebUSA" | Wiesbaden | Order of the Brothermark |
17. | (anonym) | | Trident Realms of Neritica |