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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Store Championship NANTES SQUADRON

1.Steve aka "harrycoco"Fplogastel saint germainRebel Alliance
2.Benoist aka "Darth_Hunter"FNantesRebel Alliance
3.Xavier aka "starkiller-"FPontchateauGalactic Empire
4.Yves-Marie aka "Aldenoer"FTalenceRebel Alliance
5.Franz aka "Ranash"FQuimperRebel Alliance
6.Matthieu aka "Wedge_Nantillais"FOudonGalactic Empire
7.Bryan aka "Lebleizh"FBrestRebel Alliance
8.Benjamin aka "JediYoda"FTalenceRebel Alliance
9.Bastien1 aka "GPaPuVnir"FLorientRebel Alliance
10.Ronan aka "Proemetus"FLanesterScum and Villainy
11.Nicolas aka "NO666"FQuimperGalactic Empire
12.Jerome aka "Bugman-"FSaint-NazaireRebel Alliance
13.Mathieu aka "aerf"FNantesScum and Villainy
14.Damien aka "atriyoo"FLorientRebel Alliance
15.Maxime aka "PingouinUltime"FSaint NazaireGalactic Empire
16.Loan aka "Rekans"FRelecq KerhuonScum and Villainy
17.Paul aka "Batobawan"FSaint-Brévin-les-PinsScum and Villainy
18.Gérôme aka "Kedy"FRezéRebel Alliance
19.Laurent aka "Boipatou"FLa Roche / YonScum and Villainy
20.Nicolas aka "Bayne"FRennesGalactic Empire
21.Thibaud aka "Taykibo"FMésangerRebel Alliance
22.Silvere aka "Slydredd"FSaint Brévin Les PinsRebel Alliance
23.Sébastien aka "arvelcrynyd"FSainte-SeveRebel Alliance
24.Jobard aka "JoBi"FRennesGalactic Empire
25.Félix aka "Maloon"FBrestGalactic Empire
26.Yannick aka "Polaris"FVannesGalactic Empire
27.Golven aka "ZeRan"FMontaiguGalactic Empire
28.Samuel aka "Firedept"FVillenave D'ornonRebel Alliance
29.Cédric aka "Celte_Leader"FLorientRebel Alliance
30.Anthony aka "ATLANTIS"FPlomeurRebel Alliance
31.Thierry aka "Lordjack56"FLorientGalactic Empire
32.Gilles aka "iGogol"FSaint Hilaire de LoulayRebel Alliance
33.Florent aka "flo86"FLa Chapelle-ViviersRebel Alliance
34.Frédéric aka "gob_ai_"FAngersScum and Villainy
35.Guillaume aka "gayoc"FRezeGalactic Empire
36.Sylvain aka "Koudcid"FLanesterGalactic Empire
37.Régis aka "RG49"FTrélazéScum and Villainy
38.Alexis aka "Alpha-leader"FPontchâteauRebel Alliance
39.Jonathan aka "N4-J0"FNantesRebel Alliance
40.Adrien aka "Nevevar"FPornichetRebel Alliance
41.Pierrick aka "LambRuyer"FSaint-NazaireRebel Alliance
42.Nicolas aka "ordalium"FPluneretScum and Villainy
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