T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - dogfight ludik aout

1.Alban aka "DrK"CHNyonGalactic Empire
2.Alexandre aka "cyanesance"FMeyreuilGalactic Empire
3.Franck aka "nino"FL'isle D'abeauRebel Alliance
4.Marco aka "Marconain"CHNyonRebel Alliance
5.Luke aka "kaela"FCharvieuGalactic Empire
6.Pierre-Anthony aka "PaCintosh"FViriatGalactic Empire
7.Nicolas aka "nico40k"FBadinièresRebel Alliance
8.Guillaume aka "Sixwood"FHeyrieuxRebel Alliance
9.Ludovic aka "Tarondor"FL'isle D'abeauScum and Villainy
10.Yanno aka "yannolegob"FServasGalactic Empire
11.Antoine aka "Cerbere"FLyonRebel Alliance
12.(anonym)Rebel Alliance
12.(anonym)Rebel Alliance
13.Jean-Jacques aka "jijibe"FVillefontaineScum and Villainy
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