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ETR Europe - The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles Place 29 - Guy aka "IHDarklord" from BRoeselare

Guy made following placements at T9A-tournaments in Europe...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
5Inter-Régions 2023 - TeamF41200 RomorantinSaurian Ancients2023-10-083488542.19%+0%33.1224%7.95
2Bastards Ath War 9thage Team 5 - TeamB7802 AthSylvan Elves2023-03-19406131.64%+3%16.3122%3.59
36th Paris Masters (Summer edition) - TeamF94340 Joinville Le PontUndying Dynasties2023-07-02406131.64%+0%13.3620%2.67
1Belgian Mercenaries tournament - Giants are back 2 school ed'B6220 FleurusSaurian Ancients2022-10-02204323.73%+20%12.2418%2.20
1Belgian Mercenaries Tournament - Iguanodon's editionB7322 PommeroeulInfernal Dwarves2022-06-26184017.8%+20%8.5416%1.37
More tournaments:
1Belgian Mercenaries Tournament - Spring's editionB6220 FleurusUndying Dynasties2022-03-20265013.35%+20%8.01--
15INTER-RÉGIONS T9A 2021 - TeamF36000 ChâteaurouxUndying Dynasties2021-12-122688513.35%+0%7.67--
8Bastards Ath War 9thage soloB7802 AthUndying Dynasties2022-04-24244817.8%+0%5.94--
2Hammers and Swords 2022B2180 EkerenSaurian Ancients2022-10-23102523.73%+0%5.27--
3Lëtz play T9A - TeamL1490 LuxembourgUndying Dynasties2021-10-24406110.01%+0%4.62--
55th Winter Paris Masters - TeamF94340 Joinville Le PontUndying Dynasties2022-02-13406113.35%+0%3.55--
1Mini Belgian Mercenaries Tournament - Brussels' EditionB1080 Molenbeek-Saint-JeanUndying Dynasties2021-08-29102510.01%+20%3.00--
3BeLaMa 2020 - Die Zweite - TeamD52372 KreuzauUndying Dynasties2020-01-26112853.17%+2%2.52--
5Luxembourg Bash Master IV - TeamL1469 LuxembourgUndying Dynasties2020-03-01120853.17%+0%2.19--
3Belgian Mercenaries Team Tournament Round 2 - TeamB4020 LiègeUndying Dynasties2019-11-1770763.17%+2%2.03--
1XVième tournoi de la Tour d'ébèneB7800 AthUndying Dynasties2020-01-1220433.17%+20%1.63--
1Luxembourg Autumn Bash - TeamL1490 LuxembourgUndying Dynasties2019-10-1242632.38%+7%1.56--
1Hammers & Swords 2019B2180 EkerenSylvan Elves2019-09-2929532.38%+20%1.51--
1Belgian Mercenaries Challenge 2 - 9th Age goes to @HappyDésB7000 MonsUndying Dynasties2019-06-3030532.38%+20%1.51--
1Myreille Strategic Team III - TeamF59650 Villeneuve D'ascqUndying Dynasties2019-01-2756701.78%+5%1.27--
4Tower conquest The 9th Age 3ème éditionB7800 AthUndying Dynasties2019-10-2732552.38%+0%1.18--
5Luxembourg Bash Master 9th age III - TeamL1469 LuxembourgUndying Dynasties2019-03-10100851.78%+0%1.18--
1Belgian Mercenaries Team Tournament - TeamB1050 IxellesUndying Dynasties2018-11-2548661.34%+5%0.90--
1Benelux Cup 2019 - TeamL1490 LuxembourgUndying Dynasties2019-02-1632551.78%+2%0.89--
1Luxembourg Bash Master 9th age 2nd Edition - TeamL1469 LuxembourgUndying Dynasties2018-03-1890831%+4%0.85--
16It's gonna be...Liegendary (1st Edition)B4020 LiègeDwarven Holds2019-12-1430533.17%+0%0.81--
1Doublette T9A chez les Halflings ! - TeamF59650 Villeneuve D'ascqUndying Dynasties2018-09-0832551.34%+10%0.80--
5Tower Conquest 9th Age 2ème édition (4500pts)B7800 AthUndying Dynasties2018-10-2842631.34%+0%0.76--
1Pink Horde Clubkampioenschap T9AB8800 RoeselareUndying Dynasties2019-01-1911281.78%+20%0.60--
1318th Conflict T9AB3201 GelrodeUndying Dynasties2019-05-0528521.78%+0%0.51--
1Myreille Strategic Teams II - TeamF59650 Villeneuve D'ascqUndying Dynasties2018-01-2848660.75%+5%0.50--
2Belgian Mercenaries Challenge 1 @BrusselsB1050 IxellesUndying Dynasties2018-06-0228521%+0%0.50--
2Tower Conquest 9th AgeB7800 AthUndying Dynasties2018-06-2426501%+0%0.48--
317th Conflict T9AB3200 GelrodeUndying Dynasties2018-05-1926501%+0%0.46--
33rd Paris Tavern Masters - TeamF75015 ParisUndying Dynasties2018-12-0930531.34%+0%0.42--
1Conquest 2017B9200 Dendermonde2017-07-1626500.56%+20%0.34--
8Tournoi 9th Age Tour d'EbèneB7800 AthUndying Dynasties2017-06-2543640.56%+0%0.30--
59th Age Brussels Community Bash 1 - TeamB1050 IxellesUndying Dynasties2017-11-0428520.75%+0%0.27--
2Benelux Cup - TeamL1490 LuxembourgUndying Dynasties2018-02-1032550.75%+2%0.26--
9Doublette d'Avril des Halflings - TeamF59370 Mons-En-BaroeulUndying Dynasties2019-04-1324481.78%+0%0.24--
516th Conflict Fantasy Battles T9AB3200 GelrodeUndying Dynasties2017-05-0738600.42%+0%0.23--
115th Conflict WHFB 9th EdB3200 GelrodeUndying Dynasties2016-04-1726500.24%+20%0.14--
1pink horde duo tournament - TeamB8800 RoeselareUndying Dynasties2017-04-2912300.42%+10%0.13--
109ème Age d'ébène Round 1B7800 AthUndying Dynasties2016-06-2638600.24%+0%0.11--
14Pink Horde tornooi: Part 1B8800 RoeselareUndying Dynasties2017-02-1826500.42%+0%0.10--
Additional ETR-placements:
* 999. Place in the WHFB-ranking of Europe
* 2. Place in the T9A-ranking of BBelgium
* 22. Place in the T9A-ranking of LLuxembourg
* 77. Place in the WHFB-ranking of BBelgium
* 82. Place in the T9A-ranking of FFrance
* 277. Place in the T9A-ranking of DGermany
* 288. Place in the WHFB-ranking of NLNetherlands
Player's awards:
* 15th Conflict WHFB 9th Ed: player-award-bestgeneralBest General
* Doublette T9A chez les Halflings !: player-award-bestgeneralBest General
* Pink Horde Clubkampioenschap T9A: player-award-bestgeneralBest General
* Belgian Mercenaries Challenge 2 - 9th Age goes to @HappyDés: player-award-bestgeneralBest General
* XVième tournoi de la Tour d'ébène: player-award-bestgeneralBest General
* Bastards Ath War 9thage solo: player-award-bestpaintedBest Painted
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
EP = valued ETR-Points

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