T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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ETR - Tournament Results - 1. TTS Journeyman Cup

1.David aka "AdmiralNelson"DBerlinKhador
2.David aka "Nokobuku"DLeipzigLegion of Everblight
4.Jens aka "Kolash"DHalleLegion of Everblight
5.Stephan aka "Killerpin"DLeipzigRetribution of Scyrah
6.Nick aka "Pithlit"DDresdenRetribution of Scyrah
7.Julian aka "Gluttony"DDresdenCryx
9.Christian aka "GiganteICE"DLeipzigThe Circle Orboros
10.Philip aka "ankmarphi"DWeinböhlaProtectorate of Menoth
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