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ETR - Tournament Results - Big-Dice-Games-Tuttlingen die Erste (KO-Tournament)

1.Andreas aka "Raskild"DKarlsruheCryx
2.Wolfgang aka "Unterzahl"DStutenseeRetribution of Scyrah
3.Martina aka "Bazinga"DKarlsruheThe Circle Orboros
5.Jakob aka "Seetroll"DKonstanzCygnar
6.(anonym)Protectorate of Menoth
7.Andreas aka "Andue"DHeidelbergRetribution of Scyrah
8.Daniel aka "NoeF"DFreiburgCygnar
9.Janni aka "linnert"DStuttgartRetribution of Scyrah
10.Sebastian aka "THX1138"DBaden-BadenProtectorate of Menoth
11.Nicolas aka "Lt_Gaga"DKonstanzKhador
12.Robin aka "dorsch"DKarlsruheLegion of Everblight
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