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ETR - Tournament Results - 1er tournoi Kings of War de la GUILD

1.Timothée aka "Knurlnien"FToulouseElves
2.Olivier aka "the_red_eye"FBordeaux-BèglesTwilight Kin
3.Francois aka "Lokieris"FBiscarrosseForces of the Abyss
4.Olivier aka "oliv33"FCastres GirondeLeague of Rhordia
5.Vincent aka "Beerserkr"Fvillenave d'ornonUndead
6.Mathieu aka "Beji"FVillenave D'ornonDwarfs
7.Jerome aka "Whispe"FGradignanUndead
8.Jean Christophe G.FCastelmaurouRatkin
9.Mathieu aka "krypt"FBèglesTwilight Kin
10.Rachid aka "Le_Cul_de_Jatte"FLes drouillards des boisVarangur
11.Marc aka "Makaria"FIzonThe Herd
12.Eric aka "eric"FAngoulemeSalamanders
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