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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Masters of the Universe: Battleground Grand Finale 2024 (KO-Tournament)

1.Jörg aka "Der_Baer"DOberhausenEvil Warriors
2.Jens aka "Lokutus"DSchermbeckEvil Warriors
3.Rene aka "Hordak"DOberhausenMasters of the Universe
4.Marco aka "RexKramer"DBad EilsenEvil Horde
5.Dennis aka "Chaotic_Headbanger"DDuisburgEvil Warriors
6.Florian aka "He-Man"DMindenEvil Warriors
7.Marc aka "Andossus"DMünsterMasters of the Universe
8.Thomas aka "Cdr_Tom"DMünsterMasters of the Universe
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