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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Bastards Ath War in the Old World

1.Pierre aka "CafeGrandMere"BBruxellesWarriors of Chaos
2.Arvid aka "Arvid_dc"BGentEmpire of Man
3.Julien aka "godtbilator"BBruxellesKingdom of Bretonnia
4.Adrien aka "Nanou2"BBruxellesChaos Dwarfs
5.De Coninck aka "barbosor"BWaterlooTomb Kings of Khemri
6.Ruben aka "Wrakker"NLBiervlietDaemons of Chaos
7.Cédric aka "NotAGosu"BCortil NoirmontWarriors of Chaos
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