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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Darmstädter Soloturnier Nr. 189

1.Bernhard aka "bnf"DHeidelbergThe Circle Orboros
2.Christoph aka "ZaZ"DLandau in der PfalzThe Circle Orboros
3.Johannes aka "JoJoBrunnix"DMainzLegion of Everblight
4.Wolfgang aka "Unterzahl"DStutenseeThe Circle Orboros
5.Christopher aka "Greif"DMainzProtectorate of Menoth
6.Martina aka "Bazinga"DKarlsruheThe Circle Orboros
7.Johannes aka "Snotling4149"DMainzLegion of Everblight
9.Samuel aka "Monk"DMainzThe Skorne
10.Sasa aka "Sasael"DBensheimLegion of Everblight
11.Tobias aka "Zeus-"DEttlingenThe Skorne
12.Michael aka "Valnar2145"Dludwigshafen am rheinKhador
13.Brendan aka "zich"DNopeRetribution of Scyrah
14.Marc aka "Kulnanu"DEinhausenMinions
15.Maximilian aka "Empekah"DBensheimKhador
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