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ETR Europe - Warhammer 40K Place 6154 - René aka "elsupremo" from DSpeyer

René made following placements at W40K-tournaments in Europe...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
64. Refugium Warhammer 40k TurnierD78194 ImmendingenAstra Militarum2019-07-0718403.17%+0%0.8924%0.21
1Little Waaaghtown 2 - Ars Bellica 1250D73079 SüßenOrks2019-06-158203.17%+20%0.7622%0.17
510. Warhammer 40.000 AussenpostenskirmischD78532 TuttlingenOrks2019-08-0310254.22%+0%0.5920%0.12
25.Mannheimer W40k TurnierD68161 MannheimAstra Militarum2019-04-216113.17%+0%0.2818%0.05
211. Firebug im CoolD67346 SpeyerNecrons2014-03-0928520.08%+0%0.0116%0.00
Additional ETR-placements:
* 219. Place in the FoW-ranking of Europe
* 237. Place in the FoW-ranking of Europe
* 305. Place in the SAGA-ranking of Europe
* 335. Place in the KT-ranking of Europe
* 360. Place in the KT-ranking of Europe
* 424. Place in the BA-ranking of Europe
* 534. Place in the SAGA-ranking of Europe
* 2149. Place in the WHFB-ranking of Europe
* 90. Place in the FoW-ranking of DGermany
* 104. Place in the FoW-ranking of DGermany
* 137. Place in the SAGA-ranking of DGermany
* 212. Place in the KT-ranking of DGermany
* 230. Place in the KT-ranking of DGermany
* 235. Place in the BA-ranking of DGermany
* 300. Place in the SAGA-ranking of DGermany
* 881. Place in the WHFB-ranking of DGermany
* 2866. Place in the W40K-ranking of DGermany
* 3342. Place in the W40K-ranking of DGermany
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
EP = valued ETR-Points

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