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ETR - Tournament Results - Battle of H’Nova XI

1.Patrick aka "Mont"DRosengartenTyranids
2.Denny aka "Quakeltiki"DHannoverTyranids
3.Barnd aka "Sumbu"DWedemarkThousand Sons
4.Andre aka "BonsaiBOB"DSalzhemmendorfSpace Marines
5.Christian aka "LaeRTesP"DHildesheimDeath Guard
6.Tim Johannes aka "T-Jay"DBarsinghausenSpace Wolves
7.Andre aka "Numen"DHannoverNecrons
8.Marc aka "Schnitta"DLaatzenAstra Militarum
11.Stefan aka "Lorin"DHildesheimLeagues of Votann
12.Daniel aka "Lyrecz"DLangenhagenNecrons
13.David aka "Meister_Haufen"DBraunschweigLeagues of Votann
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