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ETR - Tournament Results - Full Metal Snot XI - Snot of Iron Gauntlet

1.Tino aka "PalaTin"DCygnar
2.Joachim aka "DerBRANDmarker"DHeilbronnTrollblood
3.Harald aka "ikildkenny"DStuttgartMercenaries
4.Christopher aka "Greif"DMainzProtectorate of Menoth
5.Ben aka "Kromac"DMainzProtectorate of Menoth
6.Bernhard aka "bnf"DHeidelbergMercenaries
7.Leonardo aka "DasLeo"DMainzThe Circle Orboros
8.(anonym)The Skorne
9.Klaus aka "sankt-klaus"DBenningenKhador
10.Ben aka "Wampalumpa"DWiesbadenThe Skorne
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