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Stadtmeisterschaften 2009 - Déroulement et notation

Stadtmeisterschaften 2009



9.00 Uhr Einlass
9.30 Uhr Begrüßung
10.00 Uhr - 13.00 Uhr Spiel 1
13.30 Uhr - 16.30 Uhr Spiel 2
17.00 Uhr - 20.00 Uhr Spiel 3


9.00 Uhr Einlass
9.30 Uhr - 12.30 Uhr Spiel 4
13.30 Uhr - 16.30 Uhr Spiel 5
17.00 Uhr Siegerehrung

Es ist wichtig, das alle Spieler am Sonntag rechtzeitig wieder in der Halle sind damit das erste Spiel um 9.30 wieder losgehen kann und alle auch wieder zeitig nach Hause kommen!


Die Teams paaren ihre Begegnungen zu Beginn der Runde. Dabei gilt: das Team mit den meisten aufgestellten Punkten (2000/2250/2500 nicht die genauen Punkte, nur die Kat.) darf sich aussuchen wer die erste Paarung stellt. Bei Punktgleichheit würfeln die Kapitäne einen W6, der mit dem höheren Ergebnis zählt dann als Team mit dem höheren Punktwert.

Dann wird wie folgt verfahren:

Team A bestimmt die erste Paarung, d.h. sie stellen ihren Spieler und bestimmen den Gegner.
Der Gegner darf dann den Tisch auswählen.

Team B bestimmt die zweite Paarung, sie stellen ihren Spieler und bestimmen den Gegner.
Der Gegner darf dann den Tisch auswählen.

Offene Armeelisten

Die Teams müssen für jeden Spieler eine Armeeliste mitbringen die vor dem Paaren dem gegnerischen Team ausgehändigt werden. Diese Armeelisten müssen wie folgt aussehen:

Leserlich, d.h. gedruckt und nicht handschriftlich

Verschwiegen werden darf in der Liste folgendes:

magische Gegenstände (d.h. Dämonengeschenke und ähnliches müssen mitgeteilt werden. Für magische Gegenstände muss nicht ein weltliches Gegenstück genannt werden, d.h. wenn ein Char eine Metoreisenrüstung trägt muss in der Liste keine Rüstung vermerkt werden.)
Punktkosten jeder Art

Später erscheinende Einheiten wie z.B. Bergwerker müssen aufgeführt werden.

Sollte ein Team die Armeelisten nicht vollständig vorlegen können, so darf das andere Team die Paarungen für diese Begegnung bestimmen! Es ist also wichtig das ihr diese Listen mitbringt!


0 - 21 > 10-10
22 - 87 > 11-9
88 - 197 > 12-8
198 - 351 > 13-7
352 - 549 > 14-6
550 - 791 > 15-5
792 - 1077 > 16-4
1078 - 1407 > 17-3
1408 - 1781 > 18-2
1782 - 2199 > 19-1
2200 und mehr > 20-0

Siegpunkte für das Team:

Es gibt insgesammt 100 Punkte zu erreichen, gewertet wird aber höchstens ein 70 : 30 in den ersten 4 Spielen, im letzten Spiel wird das untere Limit aufgehoben und es können auch weniger als 30 Punkte erreicht werden.

Spiel 1

Hamburg : Köln 100 : 0 gewertet wird 70 : 30

Spiel 5:

Köln : Münster 90 : 10 gewertet wird 70 : 10


Jede bemalte Armee gibt dem Team zusätzlich 10 Punkte.
Eine teilweise bemalte Armee nur 5 Punkte. Hier reicht es auch wenn auch nur ein Modell nicht bemalt ist!
Ein unbemalte Armee(d.h <50% der Miniaturen sind bemalt) bekommt 0 Punkte.

Stadtmeisterschaften Regel FAQ und Hausregeln:

III. Terrain rules
We suggest that the tourney uses the rulebook terrain rules with the
following changes and modifications:

a) Models cannot see over hills
b) Units cannot see over forests. Units can fly over forests unless such movement would force them to land in a forest. You can see 2" from inside a forest and 2” into a forest, but units cannot see through forests which are between them and potential targets.
c) Buildings block line of sight completely, as do forests and obelisks. You cannot use buildings to cast spells such as master of stone or master of wood. For entering buildings – see the rulebook.
d) Walls provide hard cover, are treated as obstacles, are not considered stone features and do not block line of sight.
e) Fences provide soft cover, are treated as obstacles, are not treated as wood features and do not block line of sight.
f) In order to cross walls, fences and other obstacles, a unit (every model in the unit) must use half of its movement allowance.
g) Ruins and obelisks are made of stone. Ruins do not block line of sight. Ruins are difficult terrain and can provide soft or hard cover (as determined by a referee or the tourney organizers).
h) You cannot deploy units inside terrain which is for any reason impassable or damaging to them.
i) Rivers and lakes should be treated as very difficult terrain for all units (including skirmishers) with the exception of Aquatic and ethereal creatures. Edges of river/lake terrain features are open ground. Lakes and rivers are impassable to war machines, chariots, tanks, etc. No anvils or similar units can be deployed in rivers. All bridges and fords are treated as open ground.

IV. Rules interpretations

1) Movement
- Random movement (2d6" in the case of spawn, pump wagons, etc.) and magic movement with a fixed or random value (2d6" or 8") is subject to normal terrain modifications.
- A monster, chariot or similar model (such as the steam tank) that is placed so that its base is touching an obelisk, table edge or other impassable terrain type can perform a "virtual pivot" to get "unstuck". Such a maneuver cannot be performed during a charge move.
- If a regiment which has not left the table during a game enters the table for the first time using any special rule (for example: miners, beast herd) and thus it is not specified what formation it should assume, stick to the following principle: place the unit along the table edge in such a formation that no model in the unit can be further from the table edge than its double movement value in inches.
- If a unit is within 8” of an enemy unit at the start of its turn, but is joined by a character who is further than 8” from the enemy, the character can make a march move if he leaves the unit.
- A unit declaring a flee reaction and running into a table edge is destroyed (the table edge is treated as impassable terrain), causing the charges to automatically fail their charge. If the failed charge move would bring the unit off the table, it stops when it touches the edge.
- If a unit with the tunneling, or similar, rule (such as tomb scorpions, tunneling teams) digs out beneath a regiment which is placed in such a manner that other regiments make it physically impossible to place the tunneler on the board and in contact with the unit – the blocking units are moved so that the tunneler can be aligned with the enemy unit. Regiments moved in this manner are not treated as having moved for purposes of shooting, etc.
- A character leaving a unit can move within the unit and leave from any of its edges - unit members do not block the character's movement in any way. The move is, of course, measured from the character's starting position within the unit.
- You can not enter buildings using flight move.

2) Charges
- You cannot declare improbable charges. A probable charge is a charge where there exists any possibility that the charging unit will be able to reach the target in its current position (not after it flees). Thus, you can declare charges if you expect that a unit which is currently blocking the charge path will move (for example - by failing to rally, fleeing from a different charge, charging, compulsory movement, etc.).
- Charges are measured using miniature bases, not movement trays.
- Charges in different phases: because a single unit can be charged in several phases (for example, by normal goblins in the declare charges phase, and then by squigs in the compulsory movement phase) and can thus declare charge reactions several times, it should be assumed that the final declaration takes precedence.
- Frenzied charges: a unit which is being charged by a frenzied enemy may (after checking whether the charge will actually take place – after measuring the range) declare reactions as normal.
- Frenzied charges and magic banners giving movement bonuses: Before measuring whether a charge must be declared, the player declares the use of a magic banner. If the distance added by the banner is not enough for a charge to happen, the banner is treated as used (if it was a one-use only item).
- Frenzied charges: as with normal charge declarations it should be determined whether a charge is possible (and thus must be declared) by taking into account the possible movement of all units which will happen before the frenzied unit’s charge.
- Flying charges are executed in a straight line – flyers are only allowed a pivot at the beginning of their charge.
- Units of skirmishers charging other skirmishers: in this situation, as with flyers, skirmishers are simply moved in a straight line when charging, as described by the rulebook (p. 67) - it is assumed that they cannot make tactical wheels.
- Problematic charges: If a charging unit comes into contact with the enemy, even by touching the target with its corner only, the charge is successful. If the charging unit cannot be aligned, it is permissible to move the charged unit, and any other units on the battlefield, so that the combat can be aligned properly. This should be done in a way that has the least impact on the overall situation on the battlefield.
- If it is impossible to place the entire War Machine crew in a straight line in front of the machine when they are charged, they should be placed like skirmishers in a similar situation, in a legal formation.
- Enemy in the way in a situation when an enemy unit is between the charging unit and its target: Firstly, you should remember that declaring improbable charges is illegal. If the charge seems probable, but after measuring the charging unit cannot reach its target without running into a different enemy unit - it is considered an "Enemy in the Way" situation. If the charging unit is able to avoid hitting the blocking unit and still reach the intended target by making a single wheel maneuver - it must do so. Should the original target flee from the charge, this last requirement ceases to apply and the interposing unit can be charged by virtue of "enemy in the way".
- When charging an enemy unit, the most important priority is to maximize the number of models that will be able to fight, even if this would lead to a multiple charge situation

3) Characters & Challenges
- A Battle Standard Bearer can use magical weapons that require two hands (such as a great weapon). A Black Orc Battle Standard Bearer can chose to use two choppas or a great weapon
- Challenge: if a hero or champion is the only model in base to base contact with an enemy (for example, a goblin hero on a wolf leading a column of five wolf riders) and is taking part in a challenge, then all enemy models which are in contact with that hero/champion (and not actually fighting in the challenge, of course) cannot attack at all.

4) Close combat
- If a model with a magic item or ability which affects the entire combat is killed, the effects of this item or ability stop immediately – that is why all attacks should be performed in the order of initiative.
- With the exception of rank bonuses, which is calculated at the beginning of close combat phase, all other combat resolution is calculated at the end of combat.
- For purposes of "higher ground", the position of the fighting ranks should be analyzed. A regiment which has its entire fighting rank higher than the enemy receives the bonus. If one regiment has its entire fighting rank on a hill, and the other only parts of it (for example, a unit of cavalry which can only get the front halves of the first rank's bases on a hill), the bonus is applied and is given to the unit which has its entire fighting rank on the hill.

5) Equipment & Magic Items
- Magic weapons which give a bonus to characteristics also modify these characteristics for purposes of effects caused by spells and similar, unless the description of the weapon clearly states that it only modifies characteristics in a given phase (example- sword of might).
- If two magic items, spells or abilities force a different re-roll effect (for example, one model re-rolls all failed to hit rolls when attacking while the second model has armour forcing attackers to re-roll all successful to-hit rolls), those abilities cancel each other out and the first result stands.

6) Special Rules
- (This ruling changes a GW FAQ answer) If there are models with the ASF special rule on both sides of a combat, they order in which these models strike blows is determined by their initiative. If they have the same initiative, instead of rolling a 4+, determine who strikes first by applying the normal rules as if they didn't have ASF (i.e. charging models and models that won the previous round of combat go first, great weapons go last). Roll a 4+ only if the above does not resolve the situation.

7) War Machines
- A war machine which has lost all its crew, but is joined by a master engineer at the end of the battle, does not give victory points to the enemy.

8) Fleeing and pursuit
- Units which declare a „Flee” reaction from more than one charge will flee from the charging enemy with the largest Unit Strength (if several chargers have the same US, roll a dice). After the fleeing unit is moved it should be determined whether one of the charging regiments is capable of catching it in its new position.
- Overrun zone – “The Kaz way” -
It's simple enough, measure to see if unit hit, ask for charge reaction, if hold, follow standard
charging rules as a wheel is allowed, and hit the correct zone.
- Fleeing from combat: if this could lead to any problems (for example, cavalry units fleeing from a flank charge) do not turn or pivot the models in the fleeing unit – simply move the whole regiment along the escape path in its original formation.
- Single models and skirmishers cannot shoot after rallying (despite the fact that they do not technically reform when rallying)

9) Shooting
- When declaring a shot from a catapult/cannon/etc. it is best, in order to avoid misunderstandings, always declare the exact center of a single enemy model as the point which is being shot at.
- In the case of the Hydra, Hellcannon and other units with the monsters& handlers rule, when determining if the unit is in cover from shooting, only the monster's position is taken into account. It is not permissible to put just the handlers inside ruins, for example, to provide the entire unit with hard cover.

10) Psychology
- Fear test: if, as a result of a failed fear test, a regiment will hit the enemy on 6's, then this applies only to attacks allocated against the unit which caused the failed fear test.

11) Acceptable base sizes
http://www.angelfire.com/ma2/machiara/d ... eet-v2.pdf


- Steam Tank 120x80 or 100x50 (owner's choice)
- Hellsteed: 25x50
- Giant 50x50mm or 75x50 mm
- Giant Cave Squig 40x40 mm
- Steed of Slaanesh:25x50
- Juggernaut: 50x50
- Palanquin: 50x50
- Disc of Tzeentch: 40x40
- Hellcannon: 80x100
- High Elf Dragon: 50x50 or 50x100 (owner's choice)
- Bases for war machines are required. War machines can be put on 40x40 or 50x50 square or round bases (exceptions: Steam tank). If you do not have an adequate base, all disputes resulting from this are resolved in your opponent’s favor.
- It is forbidden to change base sizes during a tournament (for example, field a star dragon on a 100x50 base in one battle and then on a 50x50 base in another)

12) Magic
- The decision to dispel a spell (or not) is made before the range is measured.
- After the first result in a miscast table (2) is rolled, you cannot use any re-rolls or special rules that change the miscast result (for example, modify by D3) to save your mage. He is gone.

10) Miscellaneous
"- Players should not declare impossible or improbable actions in order to ""accidentally"" achieve other goals which would not otherwise be possible to achieve. Because there are numerous and various situations where such attempts can be made, judges are expected to use common sense when determining the legality of declarations.
It is especially foul and undesirable to:
- Declare improbable charges
- Declare improbable shots or ""guess"" improbable ranges (all forms, including template shooting) in order to hit models/units which you are unable to target otherwise."
- Line of sight can be measured at any time during the battle, but only of a player's own units.
- Re-rolls made for heroes which are inside a unit can only be made for actions which the hero himself (or herself) is undertaking, and so cannot be used for the entire regiment’s break tests, stupidity, etc.
- Re-rolls: all dice in a single batch must be re-rolled at the same time, it is not permissible to re-roll them one at a time.
"- Monsters: Because the rulebook description of monsters is very unclear:
1) Characters are never monsters. Monstrous characters only follow some of the rules for monsters – namely movement rules (see errata). Because of this, Ancient Treemen and Shaggoth Champions are not considered monsters, for example.
2) All monstrous mounts (see rulebook p. 59) are monsters.
3) All creatures on 50x50 mm and larger bases are monsters, with the exception of the Ogre Hunter. Please note that Tomb Scorpions are also fielded on 50x50 mm bases (see Anthony Reynolds FAQ) and are monsters.
4) The following creatures on 40x40 mm bases (and on bases the size of which has not been specified by GW) are also monsters: great eagle, gorger, spawn of chaos.
5) Monsters (such as greater daemons, shaggoths or bone giants) have the same bonuses as infantry when using great weapons, flails or extra hand weapons."
- In the case of items, spells etc. which affect specifically attacks made by “steeds”, it is assumed that they do not apply to attacks made by terradons, squig hoppers and other similar units without a separate „steed” profile.
- All attacks made by magic items (weapons, arcane items, enchanted items, magic standard, magic armour, talismans) are considered to be magic attacks. Spites, chaos gifts (warriors of chaos) and gifts of Khaine do not make attacks magical unless that effect is part of the description of a given ability. Shots fired from magical ranged weapons, such as the lifetaker, are not magic attacks unless clearly stated otherwise.

V Buildings

1. A unit cannot enter a building using a formation which will make it leave the building in an illegal manner, ie by forcing some of the models to move more than their permitted movement rate.If a unit does enter a building in such a manner, it will not be allowed to leave the building unless its unit strength is reduced sufficiently, or it flees.

2. You cannot prevent a unit from entering a building by positioning one of your units within 1" of the building footprint.

3. An unit can move within 1" of a building footprint even if the building is occupied by an enemy unit. It cannot stop it's move within 1" though.

4. Flyers cannot use their flight movement to enter or charge a building. This includes all infantry and unit strength 1 units with any kind of flight ability.

VI) Armies

1) Orcs & Goblins
- The distance that a fanatic moves is measured from the edge of the regiment. We do NOT deploy a fanatic and then measure the distance from the front of its base.
- Fanatics do not die if they run into hills
- Characters cannot join a unit which has failed its animosity test and squabbles.

2) Dark Elves
- An assassin cannot use the Cloak of Twilight if he is hidden.
- (This ruling changes a GW FAQ answer) Revealing assassins in a skirmishing unit in order to move a single model from that unit so that it gains line of sight to the enemy right before charges are declared is not allowed.
- A caster's hate or killing blow special rules are not transferred to the effects of the bladewind spell.
- The cauldron's powers affect the hydra
- The focus familiar does not share a sorceress's 90 degree LOS limit, if she is riding a mount.
- Guiding Eye is used before the shot is made and lasts until the end of the shooting phase
- Menghil Manhide's Manflayers keep the old rules for their repeater crossbows (from the rulebook) and poisons (as described in their rules)
- You can’t have more than MR3 using nullstones
- Wounds "deflected" by items such as the gem of blood or the black amulet do not have a strength, and thus the Pendant of Khaeleth does not work against them.
- Heroes that join a unit of corsairs with the Sea Serpent Standard are also frenzied.

3) Chaos Dwarfs
- Bull centaurs gain +2 strength from using a great weapon, as they are not “mounted” models.
- Earthshaker cannons "shake" flyers, and the movement of units with random movement (2D6, 3D6) is halved.
- Greenskin units in the Chaos Dwarf army should be fielded on the basis of seventh ed. O&G army book, and the seventh ed. animosity table should be used for them.

4) Beasts of Chaos
- You can use the delectable torture spell to force a WE hero to shoot the hail of doom arrow on a friendly regiment.
- A regiment under the effect of titillating delusions (such as a single monster) must turn to see the illusion as it moves. You cannot place the Titillating delusions in terrain which the target unit cannot enter (such as the inside of a house, in the case of cavalry.
** Ergänzung** Tiermenschenherden werden mit min. 5 Modellen und nicht mit min. 4 aufgestellt.

5) Dwarfs
- The Anvil of doom may be entrenched just like any other war machine
- The ancient rune of wrath and ruin restricts flying/movement just like its "small" version
- The rune of wrath and ruin may be used against Skaven weapon teams.
- If a hero leaves a unit affected by the Rune of Wrath & Ruin, the Dwarf player can chose whether it is the hero or the regiment that is under the effect of the Rune (exactly like in the case of remains in play spells)
- Dwarf war machine crews must pursue enemies that they hate, or if the Dwarfs are frenzied for any reason.
- Master runes may be used on normal - regimental - banners
- The rune of steel works against all hits, not just in hand-to-hand.
- Dwarfs rolling a break test on a single die cannot get an „insane courage” result - insane courage requires a double one.
- Killing blow does not affect the Dwarf lord carried on a shield, as the model has a US = 3.

6) Skaven
- Skaven do not get a bonus for ranks if they have to pass a LD test using their „own, unmodified leadership”
- The warp lightning cannon should be treated as a cannon in all respects not directly addressed in its special rules - except that it cannot use grapeshot, of course. WLC shot is stopped by hills and obelisks.
- The special rules for visibility regarding the warp lighting cannon only work during the Skaven shooting phase (and so cannot be used to block the deployment of enemy scouts and cannot be harmed by the Casket of Souls - without normal LOS).
- Warpstone luck charm allows the bearer to make a re-roll only in situations which involve him directly.
- Weapon teams/Jezzails can enter buildings

7) High Elves
- The banner of balance negates not only normal hate, but also re-rolls by virtue of eternal hate (Dark Elves) or Infinite Hate (Vampire Counts).
- Each of the lions pulling a lion chariot has two attacks.

8) Khemri
- A Mummy wearing the Armour of The Ages still has Unit Strength = 1.
- The Casket of Souls does not affect units engaged in hand-to-hand combat.
- Wounds cannot be transferred onto the Casket of Souls using the Collar of Shapesh
- Cupped Hands of the Old Ones or Hellcannon misfire 3 do not affect Liche Priests

9) Wood Elves
- An eternal kindred hero inside a unit which benefits from the "bodyguard" special rule only gives "stubborn" to the regiment, not to himself (and thus stubborn can only be tested on the unit's own Ld.)
- Briarsheath: the -1/-2 to hit modifiers mentioned in the description are magical modifiers which are in addition to normal modifiers for a single model on foot or being in a forest.
- Likewise, heroes fighting in "eternal guard fighting style" lose all normal bonuses for their weapons in favor of the effects of "eternal guard fighting style"
- The spirit sword: regeneration works against additional wounds dealt by this weapon, and the general's leadership can be used as normal.
- A hero armed with "wardancer weapons" does not receive bonuses for having great weapons, two hand weapons, etc - the rules for wardancer weapons replace the rules of any normal weapons.
- Waywatcher kindred: a hero can be equipped with two hand weapons

10) Lizardmen
- If an enemy, who was selected as a banehead victim, receives a wound that in itself would be doubled (piranha blade or burning vs. flammable), that wound is multiplied to 3, not 4, wounds.
- When the Blade of Realities strikes a chariot or similar multi-part model, the highest characteristic of that model (the rider or the mount, but not a character's) is used.
- Blade of realities in a challenge: make a leadership test for every hit. The wounds from failed leadership rolls are not cumulative (as they would be in the case of killing blow).
- If Cupped Hands of the Old Ones comes into effect after a miscast and the 2+ roll is successfully made, the spell that caused the miscast is treated as cast successfully - of course only if the result of the roll made to cast was sufficient, despite the two ones.
- Cupped hands of the old ones is used before a roll on the miscast table is made.
- Engine of the Gods / Burning Alignment does not have magic attacks
- If Law of Gold is cast on the Horned One, it is destroyed and the rider should be replaced with an infantry model.
- Mixed skink/kroxigor units are immune to fear (just like units joined by fear-causing characters). In addition, if the Cohort is charged by a unit that will count as being in base contact with Kroxigors due to the "giant reach" rule, the charging unit must take a fear test. Mixed units cannot move backwards or sideways due to the fact that they cannot perform "turn" maneuvers. Bolt thrower shots fired at the flank of mixed units should be randomized to determine whether they hit the skink row or the kroxigor row.
- Kroxigors do not count towards the minimum number of skinks in a unit.
- Razordons: If the range to the enemy unit is too close to allow a stand and shoot reaction, they must declare this reaction anyway (which changes to "hold", as described in the rulebook).
- If some of the salamanders in a unit are killed in close combat and only skinks are available to take their place in base contact with the enemy, move the skinks into contact - just as if with any other unit.
- A Slann cannot enter buildings. A Slann on his has the line of sight of a large target (but is not seen as a large target by the enemy).
- If you score a "6" when shooting a unit with the stegadon's giant bow, only the first model is automatically wounded by poison. Roll to wound for subsequent models in the rank as normal.
- Stegadons - attacks do not have to be declared at every skink from the crew separately - wounds pass on to other skinks just like they do in the case of regular units.
- The range for the Sun Standard of Chotec is measured from the entire unit, not just the standard bearer.
- Terradons cannot drop rocks while making a charge move.

11) Bretonnia
- The option to pray and get the Blessing can always be selected by the Bretonnian player. This decision is made after both armies have been deployed.
- Overrunning Knights Errant are treated as if the were charging in regard to being immune to psychology.

12) Vampire Counts
- Avatar of Death and Dread Knight at the tournament: All non magic equipment needs to be represented on models in order for WYSIWYG to be maintained. These should also be noted in the roster. It is not permitted to change your choice of weapons between battles during a tournament - you must use the same equipment in all battles.
- Banshee howl: Skaven can always use their bonus to leadership from ranks against the Banshee’s howl. The howl is not a missile weapon and so any items or spells which affect missile fire (such as the storm banner) do not pertain to the Banshee’s ranged attack.
- A black coach has to steal magic dice in every magic phase – the VC player does not have a choice in this regard.
- The carstein ring can bring the caster to life after a "snakeyes" result on the miscast table.
- Black knights that can use ethereal movement (i.e. are not joined by characters who are not also riding skeletal steeds) are immune to the effects of spells/items/abilities that would reduce their movement, just like ethereal creatures.
- If ghouls who are making their special march move thanks to the „ghoulkin” power are joined by a character, that character cannot leave the ghoul unit for the duration of the move - the character marches along with them.
- Charging chariots do not deal impact hits to a character wearing the nightshroud. Such a character is not immune to impact hits which are not the result of a charge (the steam tanks grinding, or a fleeing chariot). Impact hits which strike the character after being randomized are ignored.
- Balefire Pike, Dreadlance and Black Axe of Krell retain the rules of their normal equivalents, as specified in their descriptions (lance or great weapon, as specified)
- Walach's Bloody Hauberk should be treated as full plate armour.

13) Empire
- Steam Tank: the steam tank is affected by the „Mork wants ya” spell. The tank is automatically destroyed by an Infernal Gateway spell if an 11 or 12 is rolled for strength.

14) Chaos Daemons
- If Acquiescence is cast on an enemy unit with a character inside, if the character leaves the unit, the Daemon player chooses who the spell will affect - the character or the unit (as is the case with Remains in Play spells).
- When the banner of sundering is in effect, lores of the same chaos god from different army books (Warriors, Daemons, Beasts) are treated as different lores.
- If your Daemon has a gift that is always active, such as the firestorm blade, you cannot decide to "not use it"
- Gifts described as „hand weapons” replace the hand weapon held by the daemons (and so do not give him an additional attack for two hand weapons).
- The Dark Insanity gift can increase the number of attacks above 10.
- Obsidian Armour does not affect daemonic gifts
- Pestilent Mucus works in the following fashion: resolve all attacks. Next, each model in contact with the daemon must pass one toughness test for each wound the daemon suffered in this round of combat. The model receives a number of wounds equal to the number of failed tests. Excess wounds do not pass on to other models in the regiment.
- If you use several siren songs against a single unit, the player who controls that unit can choose which siren song owner that unit will charge.
- The Temptator gift affects characters only, not all models.

15) Warriors of Chaos
- If a 10, 11 or 12 is rolled for miscasts caused by the Hellcannon, mages lose randomly selected spells. The "12" result does not cause any spell to be cast.
- Daemon prince who is a wizard can have „sorcerer only” gifts.
- If you kill both a large target and character in a challenge, you roll once on the „eye of the gods” table. You also get to roll if a viable opponent is killed through combat results (such as undead crumbling) or in pursuit.
- You can stop the # 5 spell from the lore of Tzeentch (Call to Glory) at any moment of the game. If an exalted champion created using this spell takes one wound, and then the spell is ended and cast again on the same model, the "re-created" exalted champion will start healthy, with two wounds remaining. You do not get half victory points for wounding an exalted champion created with this spell (only for killing him).
- The number 5 Lore of Nugle spell (Curse of the Leper) cast on war machines decreases only those characteristics that the machine actually has.
- Hits from the word of agony are distributed as shooting between a rider and mount.
- Bloodcurdling roar cannot be used to make a stand & shoot reaction.
- If both players have the infernal puppet, we roll a dice to determine who will be modifying the miscast result first.
- While the rulebook states that spells have a difficulty rating of from 3 to 15, the High Elf Drain Magic spell affects the Infernal Gateway spell.

VII. Worst Play and rule abuse

The worst play section lists behaviors which, while permissible by the letter of the rules, are a basis for a “worst play” score at the tourney.
Note - a) and b) have been forbidden by the GW FAQ, and are kept here for informative purposes.

(a) The „Miner Conga Trick”: a regiment of 20 miners is deployed in a line, reforms in the movement phase and makes an „anvil charge”.

(b) The Icon Conga Trick http://warhammer.org.uk/PhP/viewtopic.php?t=45630

(c) Time wasting.

(d) Facing away from the enemy and reducing your frontage to move an unintended distance across the table in order to dump Fanatics is not allowed.

(e) Units raised/deployed in buildings must declare their formation upon entry.

(f) Assassins revealed in Shade units cannot declare charges, or enable their unit to charge if there was no line of sight at the beginning of the turn.

(g) Pinning a unit in place with the crew from a unit with the Monsters & Handlers rule is not allowed.

These tricks will not be allowed during Stadtmeisterschaften ;)

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