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CNTv3.0 - Résultat de tournois - Bastards Ath War 9thage solo

1.Merlijn aka "Merlijn"BbeverenSylvan Elves
2.Thomas aka "Artur"BHammeHighborn Elves
3.Jonathan aka "Yilmi"BSoumagneEmpire of Sonnstahl
4.Pierre aka "Tharbak"FParisSaurian Ancients
5.Leopold aka "leopold"LLuxembourgHighborn Elves
6.Christopher aka "Rothulf"BWemmelWarriors of the Dark Gods
7.Kevy aka "Zorgon"BWemmelDaemon Legions
8.Guy aka "IHDarklord"BRoeselareUndying Dynasties
9.Maximilien aka "tcho"BBernissartDaemon Legions
10.Greg aka "Kerboul"BWagnelã©EKingdom of Equitaine
11.Benjamin aka "asfen"BQuevaucampsEmpire of Sonnstahl
12.Stéphane aka "Gandalf"BHerveBeast Herds
13.Sébastien aka "Wally"LCapellenEmpire of Sonnstahl
14.Cedric aka "Mallak"BWemmelDread Elves
15.Thomas aka "Ekarion"BLaekenHighborn Elves
16.Sébastien aka "knri"BEllezellesÅsklanders
17.Tom aka "Dhoruil"BRoeselareThe Vermin Swarm
18.Louis-Marie aka "Aegitru"FParisWarriors of the Dark Gods
19.Gilles aka "Heleran"BKainEmpire of Sonnstahl
20.Arnaud aka "Mandreck"BPetit-RechainInfernal Dwarves
21.Kaj aka "Chosen_of_Sigmar"BWaarschootVampire Covenant
22.Kwinten aka "kiwii"BDendermondeOgre Khans
23.Julien aka "godtbilator"BBruxellesWarriors of the Dark Gods
24.Jeoffrey aka "Molkhiar"BTournaiWarriors of the Dark Gods
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