T³ - Tournois TableTop
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CNTv3.0 - Résultat de tournois - CHIMERE dans la place

1.Thomas aka "TheLegend27"CHJouxtensUndying Dynasties
2.Tiziano aka "Tipiz"CHVessyInfernal Dwarves
3.Simon aka "Fromagefondu"FCHATILLON-EN-MICHAILLEOrcs and Goblins
4.John aka "JohnnyBoy"CHGenèveSylvan Elves
5.Malik aka "Le_marechal_pif_paf"CHPifpafburgDaemon Legions
6.Raphaël aka "Mibola"CHGenèveWarriors of the Dark Gods
7.Ralph aka "Grabuge"CHGenèveWarriors of the Dark Gods
8.Lionel aka "mr_apple"CHTroinexVampire Covenant
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