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CNTv3.0 - Résultat de tournois - Wyppertal Team Tournament Vol. II

1.Team L&T
Lars aka "LaL"DGrand Alliance Chaos
Thomas aka "ThZ"DGrand Alliance Chaos
2.Blutgruppe A
Christian Paul aka "Druss73"DBochumFlesh-eater Courts
Björn K.DAachenLegions of Nagash
3.The Salty Sea Men
Sven aka "Svh"DGrand Alliance Chaos
Kevin aka "Keb"DGrand Alliance Chaos
4.Team A&D
Damien aka "DaS"DBlades of Khorne
Daniel aka "Feld"DWuppertalMaggotkin of Nurgle
Nico Manuel aka "Omios"DWittenLegions of Nagash
Daniel aka "DanPo"DBochumStormcast Eternals
6.Team P&A
Patrick aka "PaR"DGrand Alliance Chaos
Andy aka "AnA"DGrand Alliance Chaos
7.Sancho & Pancho
Tim aka "likky"DOgor Mawtribes
Thomas aka "Walhall"DStormcast Eternals
8.Team S&T
Sebastian aka "hefferson"DMoonclan Grots
Jörg aka "Fumba"DWuppertalGutbusters
9.Danish But Pluggers
Thomas aka "THB"DWuppertalGrand Alliance Chaos
Marc aka "MaA"DGrand Alliance Chaos
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