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CNTv3.0 - Résultat de tournois - Tournoi des Walkyries 2016

1.Bernard aka "Fendulac"FVillemandeurBasileans
2.Guillaume aka "Krell"FSaint Jean De BrayeAbyssal Dwarfs
3.Yohann aka "touba"FPoilly Lez GienElves
4.Mathieu aka "Anwarn"FRieulayUndead
5.Vincent aka "Joker"FLilleElves
6.Alexandre aka "Gloubiboulga"FCapinghemVarangur
7.Paco aka "Iblis"ESaint OmerKingdoms of Men
8.Christophe aka "silverfang"FMontigny En GohelleSalamanders
9.Gregory aka "grenord"FCobrieuxKingdoms of Men
10.Johan aka "diplojak"FLilleUndead
11.Guillaume aka "Khaelein"FVanvesEmpire of Dust
12.Thomas aka "PONCHMAN"FLes UlisGoblins
13.Kevin aka "hyperion36"FBois D'arcyRatkin
14.Lothaire aka "Eriahtol"FHellemmesOgres
15.Vincent aka "Julo62"FHénin-BeaumontKingdoms of Men
16.Jean-Bernard aka "JB_"FBonnellesThe Herd
17.Castelain aka "chaotique_Obn"FAnnoeullinForces of Nature
18.Anne aka "Dame_du_Lac"FDourdanThe Brotherhood
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