T³ - Tournois TableTop
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CET - Résultat de tournois - Skull Island Saison 2 9thage

1.Loick aka "logik"BBruxellesOrcs and Goblins
2.Christopher aka "Rothulf"BWemmelWarriors of the Dark Gods
3.Quentin aka "Morkall"BWemmelOgre Khans
4.Quentin aka "Gryph"BBruxellesDread Elves
5.Vincent aka "jacktherror"BJetteDread Elves
6.Lionel aka "ravenfouks"BBxlDwarven Holds
7.Pierre aka "pedrogaming"BBruxellesWarriors of the Dark Gods
8.Julien aka "godtbilator"BBruxellesWarriors of the Dark Gods
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