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NTRv3.0 France - Warhammer Age of Sigmar Place 157 - Quentin aka "Jaisser" from FLyon

Quentin made following placements at WAoS-tournaments in France...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
1Tournoi Aos, Le Repaire Ludique, août 2024F42130 Boen Sur LignonHedonites of Slaanesh2024-08-31143475%+20%30.6024%7.34
2Le Méga Squig 1 - TeamF13113 LamanonTamurkhan’s Horde2024-09-29244875%+0%27.3922%6.03
8FTC Centre/IDF - Sigmar aux canards - TeamF36100 ChateurouxTamurkhan’s Horde2024-03-31968456.25%+0%17.6620%3.53
4Kumité Team - Winter 2024 - TeamF69003 LyonStormcast Eternals2024-01-14325556.25%+0%17.4618%3.14
4Kumité Automne 2023F69008 LyonHedonites of Slaanesh2023-11-04204442.19%+0%15.6316%2.50
More tournaments:
7AOSSE Spring Edition 2023F42100 Saint-ÉtienneHedonites of Slaanesh2023-05-28295331.64%+0%13.18--
4WCDPD AoS team 2023 - TeamF69380 Chazay D'azerguesSkaven2023-10-15325542.19%+0%13.10--
4Tournoi AOS, Le Repaire Ludique, Décembre 2023F42130 Boen Sur LignonTamurkhan’s Horde2023-12-16143442.19%+0%11.03--
5Age of Sigmar - Spring GamesF38090 BonnefamilleHedonites of Slaanesh2023-04-22184031.64%+0%9.68--
6Tournoi AOS, Le Repaire Ludique, Avril 2024F42130 Boen Sur LignonGrand Alliance Chaos2024-04-06123056.25%+0%9.20--
9Le Kumité - Hiver 2023 bisF69008 LyonHedonites of Slaanesh2023-02-19244823.73%+0%7.43--
10Le Kumité - Hiver 2023F69008 LyonHedonites of Slaanesh2023-01-15244823.73%+0%6.93--
4WCDPD AoS 2000PtsF69380 Chazay D'azerguesHedonites of Slaanesh2023-03-05123031.64%+0%6.90--
5La Malemoule Bash - Acte XIIF69380 LozanneSlaves to Darkness2023-08-26102542.19%+0%5.86--
9Tournoi AOS, Le Repaire Ludique, Mars 2024F42130 Boen Sur LignonSkaven2024-03-03123056.25%+0%4.60--
7Summer game 4 - AOSF38090 BonnefamilleStormcast Eternals2022-06-19143417.8%+0%3.26--
7Wargame Club des Pierres Dorées AOS 2022F69380 Chazay D'azerguesHedonites of Slaanesh2022-11-13123023.73%+0%3.24--
8Les Malemouleux pour le Téléthon - TeamF69380 LozanneStormcast Eternals2021-12-05285213.35%+0%3.21--
7Les Malemouleux pour le Téléthon 2022 x AOSFF - CDF TEAM ARA - TeamF69380 LozanneStormcast Eternals2022-12-04647423.73%+0%3.21--
12Le Kumité - Été 2022F69008 LyonStormcast Eternals2022-07-03194117.8%+0%2.84--
22Kumité Printemps - 2023F69008 LyonCities of Sigmar2023-06-18254931.64%+0%1.94--
23Le Kumité - Automne 2022F69008 LyonHedonites of Slaanesh2022-11-20244823.73%+0%0.50--
17La Megabash - Printemps 2022 - TeamF69380 LozanneNighthaunt2022-04-17687513.35%+0%0.22--
7FTC ARA - Les Malemouleux pour le Téléthon - TeamF69380 LozanneCities of Sigmar2023-12-03486742.19%+0%0.00--
28AOSSE Autumn Edition 2022F42100 Saint-ÉtienneHedonites of Slaanesh2022-10-23285223.73%+0%0.00--
Additional NTR-placements:
* 62. Place in the CLAK-ranking of FFrance
* 153. Place in the CLAK-ranking of Europe
* 425. Place in the WAoS-ranking of Europe
Player's awards:
* Les Malemouleux pour le Téléthon: player-award-youngbloodYoungblood
* Les Malemouleux pour le Téléthon: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Malemoule Fail Act
* La Megabash - Printemps 2022: player-award-specialSpecial Prize - Malemoule Fail Act
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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