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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Schädelspalter XI

1.Jörg aka "Moriquendi"DDortmundTomb Kings
2.Tobias aka "HorusVII"DMünsterOrcs & Goblins
3.Marius aka "MarsOne"DSchwerteVampire Counts
4.Tilo aka "SonorK"DDortmundSkaven
5.Marcel aka "Mellhekk"DUnnaChaos Warriors
6.Stephan aka "Pastinake"DDortmundWood Elves
7.Michael aka "wikin_ger"DDortmundDark Elves
8.Nils aka "Gruftischlumpf"DDortmundOrcs & Goblins
9.Niels aka "Isotop"DDortmundDwarfs
10.Roy aka "Necro-Butcher"DDortmundHigh Elves
11.Daniel aka "Tjure"DDortmundHigh Elves
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